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Shinel greatcoat bulk order

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I've been in contact with a supplier in Eastern Europe who is able to supply Soviet shinel greatcoats at reasonable prices. I was wondering therefore if anyone would be interested in placing a bulk order to help reduce costs further. Currently if I order 5 then the price is £35 posted per coat, with larger orders the cost would decrease further. All sizes are available from S to XXL. He also has politka sidecaps and canteens with carriers he can supply in bulk. He may also have other suitable items but I will have to ask on request as he mostly stocks postwar gear.

Is anyone interested in partaking in an order?

The List. Crossed out = paid
2 politkas- Mi-go
1 Plash -Evo
10 canteens + covers-
Sean, B&A(2),Mi-go (2), Sgt Heide Oddball, Jay, Ranj.
12 Shinels-
1 46-3 Carly
1 50-3 Jay.
2 50-4 Wildfire, & Mi No2 (Dan)
4 52-4 Headshot, Wladek & Oddball, PPanzer.
2 54-3 Heide, Mi-go-a-go-go
1 54-4 Sean
1 60-5 Poacher

Posted : 02/10/2009 10:51 pm
Posts: 2279
Noble Member

I'd go for an XXL at that price.

aka Stigroadie

better by design

"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "

Posted : 02/10/2009 11:30 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

I'd be interested Lardass. What size would you recommend for me? I'm 6', 42"chest.

Posted : 03/10/2009 8:44 am
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

I'm interested... though mostly in the other items he has as I'd rather not clutter the house up with another greatcoat... they're big and bulky items!

Posted : 03/10/2009 9:22 am
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

I've got a greatcoat, but I'd be interested in a plasch palatka if he can get them?

Posted : 03/10/2009 10:13 am
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

I'd be interested as well. A bulk order makes more sense postage wise. It's not Front of Russia is it Rich? He's got some nice stuff!

When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 03/10/2009 10:16 am
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Has Plashs but only the late model ones with brass grommets. Same with Vyeshch-myeshok back packs and mosin nagant pouches.

I'd be interested Lardass. What size would you recommend for me? I'm 6', 42"chest.

I'll do it by proper sizes which i'll ask for when I go to place the order. You'll be wanting a 52-4. Size wise its basically just the size in inches plus 10. the second number is the length going 1 to 5.

It's not Front of Russia is it Rich? He's got some nice stuff!

It's not Front of Russia, Alex's Shinels are more expensive. He does do bulk orders though if people are interested in getting kit from him. There are few things I'm interested in myself. If people let me know exactly what they want in terms of kit I can email Alex and get a quote. I can always get the greatcoats from my guy and place an order for other ww2 kit from FoR if that works out cheaper.

Posted : 03/10/2009 12:03 pm
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

I emailed Alex the other day about some stuff but am more than happy to hold off to see if anyone else wants to order in bulk.

Still up for a cheap shinel though. I think I need 54/56 being a 44" chest?

When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 03/10/2009 12:09 pm
Posts: 2682
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A 54 should do you fine, they're designed to fit over other layers so no need to buy a size up. I'm guessing you'll need a size 3 height wise.

Posted : 03/10/2009 1:11 pm
Posts: 2279
Noble Member

58-5 for me then? 6'3" and 48"chest

aka Stigroadie

better by design

"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "

Posted : 03/10/2009 1:20 pm
Posts: 2682
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Yes, although you may need a 60 as the +10 rules gets out of alignment on the larger sizes. Finding one that size my be tricky. Size 5s and anything over a 56-58 chest are rare, too many skinny Russians. I'll have to ask him.

Posted : 03/10/2009 1:34 pm
Posts: 211
Estimable Member

could you put me down for a 56 short and a 54 medium great coat

(if i get 2 then my mate may well join wi the glorious russians like we did at bryansk) It was the cost of the kit that put us off playing russians again

if you do a hat order as well then

2 58s would be ace as we both have big eds


i may well be intrested in going for canteens too will confirm wi you if you are def going ahead

you star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

armoury. Sten lanchesteralike thompson m1a1 thompson 1928 Garand (m14 S&S) 1911 Browning HP Tanaka M10 stg 44 mp40 x 2 tanaka k98 MG42 (AK IN PLASTIC BODY) MG34 (ak in plastic body as well) Luger broom handle latex bayonet latex E-tool

Posted : 03/10/2009 6:50 pm
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

Looks like you're going to be a "hero of the Soviet Union" Rich, if you kit everyone out and help fill the ranks for glorious Mother Russia, :good:

When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 03/10/2009 7:04 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

Has Plashs but only the late model ones with brass grommets.

Better than none, which is what i currently have! Put me down for one. (dependent on price.)

Posted : 03/10/2009 7:38 pm
Posts: 2682
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I've asked about a size 60-5 shinel and he says he should have some. :good:

could you put me down for a 56 short and a 54 medium great coat

(if i get 2 then my mate may well join wi the glorious russians like we did at bryansk) It was the cost of the kit that put us off playing russians again

if you do a hat order as well then

2 58s would be ace as we both have big eds


i may well be intrested in going for canteens too will confirm wi you if you are def going ahead

When you say short you mean a size 3? I seem to remember you were over 5ft (thats basically what size 1 is) last time I saw you. :lol: I'll see if I can get the hats and canteens chucked in once the order is sorted. :good: Size 58 should be fine, its onl if you have a really fat 60+ head that things get tricky.

Looks like you're going to be a "hero of the Soviet Union" Rich, if you kit everyone out and help fill the ranks for glorious Mother Russia,

I wonder if there is a Soviet medal for supplying the troops? :lol: I'm definitely going to have to make a list though or I'm going to get lost.

Better than none, which is what i currently have! Put me down for one. (dependent on price.)

The list price is £33 but £20 of that is postage so it should be rather less than that.

Posted : 03/10/2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

Better than none, which is what i currently have! Put me down for one. (dependent on price.)

The list price is £33 but £20 of that is postage so it should be rather less than that.

That's great. Confirm one for me! thanks!

Posted : 03/10/2009 8:01 pm
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

Nice one! Yes please, put me down for a greatcoat (6', 44" chest). Also interested in a canteen please.

Posted : 04/10/2009 11:33 am
Posts: 4320
Famed Member

You fighting for Mother Russia in this one Sean? :good:

Posted : 04/10/2009 1:38 pm
Posts: 2040
Noble Member

You`ve probably asked him already but does he have any gymnastiorka and sharovari, these things especially the tops are getting ridiculously expensive on fleabay. :good:

Posted : 04/10/2009 7:28 pm
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

You fighting for Mother Russia in this one Sean? :good:

If I can get some kit it looks like I might. Horrible, isn't it! :(

Posted : 05/10/2009 8:45 am
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