Anyone short of kit? Anyone with spare kit that they're willing to loan to fellow players? Post it here.*
(*CiA are not responsible for any damage to kit, it's a player to player arrangement).
I'll kick it off with kit I have spare....
Russian helmet (size 59 -60).- TAKEN (CHThree)
Pilotka cap (size 60). - TAKEN (HEADSHOT).
EM Jackboots size 9 - 9 1/2 (good for Russian or German).
Extra long puttees, I have 2 pairs. (1 Pair taken by CHThree)
German splinter parka.
Snow suit.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
I have two brown greatcoats in size... well, my size. 5' 10" and wirey build. OK, medium build.
I'll have 1 probably have 2 German loadouts to loan out. 1 Heer and 1 SS. Size 42 chest, 36 waist, 6ftish. Include helmet (+cover for SS), tunic, belt, buckle, y-straps and gaiters. Currently only have the 1 pair of suitable trousers (m40s) but I hope to fix that by January. Webbing wise I only have one of each but I have pouches for both MP40 and MP44 mags.
Russian gear I'll have to put up nearer the time depending upon what I sell/buy in the meantime.
I could do with borrowing a heer uniform if possible lardy, MP44 up for borrow too?! hehe
Yeah sure, as long as you treat her properly.
With the usual love fella, wipe the stains off afterwards!
Finally Matt sees sense and joins the Germans!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
I'd hope you would clean rather then just wipe!
I have a load of german kit if people have specific wants they can contact me...most are sized @ 40-42 chest & 34 waist...
If our telegroika padded jackets ever arrive from RusMilitary we will have two shinel greatcoats available for loan.
I have a spare one piece amoeba suit brown on tan one size though not great if you are over 6' tall.
Spare gymnostroika tunic 46/48" chest.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
I have a heer m36 uniform if anyone wants to borrow it. (tunic size 101cm 38/40" inches, trousers 32 inch waist)
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got me gear on order, so no need of any loans thanks anyways guys
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
If anyone has a pair of UK-size 11 jack boots for loan I will gladly pay with beer tokens.
I've got a pair of ruskie jackboots, size 11 here Steve. Did put them up for sale, but if they havent shifted by Jan you're welcome to use them.
When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........
I should have a spare Plash if needed by anyone.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
I have a spare Czech helmet that I don't need if people struggle to get one. I'm happy to sell it.
I've got a US/french greatcoat and a Czech helmet available if anyone is in need
I have nothing to offer you but blood, sweat, toil and tears.... oh, hang on... wrong thread.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
I need to borrow a pair of german gaiters. Although not essential, if I could borrow a size 46/48 ss jacket that would be appreciated (no I havent eaten that much xmas pud, its for a friend that is coming along, who is somewhat larger than me).
I can lend someone a Russian helmet if they need it.