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Rules and Admin

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Site open from 0800 briefing at 0915 then units deploy.

1. Aeg's and single shot skirmish weapons 370fps.
2. Ammo limits on person as follows
Riflemen can carry a maximum 200 rounds with a rifle, 500 with an SMG. Mid caps if possible but hi caps ok as long as limit maintained. 4 grenades each.
Support weapons 2000 rounds. Number two can carry further 2000 in separate ammo box
Replenish ammo at command point.
3. All players to carry a bandage for the first hit. Second hit will need re -spawn at command point.
4. Depending on weather a lunch break may be included
5. Orders to be given and followed by unit and section commanders. Troops to fight as a squad/unit where possible.
6. Eye protection must be worn at all times unless in designated safe zone.
7. Vehicles can be used to transport troops. To destroy a vehicle a grenade must lad directly in front of the vehicle. This will put it out of action. No pyro to be thrown into vehicles.
8. Vehicles must stay on designated tracks.

Posted : 16/08/2019 9:55 am
Posts: 548
Honorable Member
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To stop any discussion 370 is the maximum fps on all weapons that is enough.

Posted : 16/08/2019 10:04 am
Posts: 95
Estimable Member

Are sniper allowed at 500 fps ??

Posted : 18/10/2019 10:56 am
Posts: 548
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Sorry no

Posted : 18/10/2019 9:33 pm
Posts: 548
Honorable Member
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Being a bandage if you have one for medic rules.

Posted : 09/12/2019 10:33 pm