Just wondered what weapons our unit will have.
I thought about using my MP40, if I get it up and running by then. Any heavy weapons coming?
PS: tropical trousers?
For those who have heavy weapons that are used by the allied, and would like to bring them. You can use them as heavy weapons captured from the enemy . I have a MP44
MP40 and a Thompson that can be used as a captured weapon.
I can bring my Bren/Zib but I won't be using it ,my knee is taking longer than expected to recover so l'll be using the lightest kit I can get away with ,probably my Mp40 or Mp44 ,not rifleing as we are outnumbered .
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
I will bring the MG42 see how that holds up not had much luck lately with it.
NO Tropical kit Hey this is late war Aarchen Wool trousers
No rifles we are out gunned unless the Allies have a fixed base to keep defended to hold some of their troops back
No rifles we are out gunned unless the Allies have a fixed base to keep defended to hold some of their troops back
Even though i'm going as a ditch digger again, I'll second this MP40 for me, might stash my rifle at the village though, had a great time plinking from that tower last time.
I've fired a bullet on every continent. Nearly hit someone, too.
Gav, Bren sounds good. Had some real fun with it with Andy last time. Might volunteer to carry it around, if we don't get better German numbers. L
You are very welcome to use it but you need to find another person to crew it otherwise it ruins your day lugging it around .
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
To slow the pace The Allies will have to leave troops to cover certain positions for a while in case of a counter attack. We do no want the event to become a airsoft skirmish, being the Germans are outnumbered, the COs will be issued maps and instructions to keep to, so there is no short cuts in the field.
To slow the pace The Allies will have to leave troops to cover certain positions for a while in case of a counter attack. We do no want the event to become a airsoft skirmish, being the Germans are outnumbered, the COs will be issued maps and instructions to keep to, so there is no short cuts in the field.
good stuff
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Did think of asking the SS what weapons they were bring but I didn't want Tommy & Yanky to know
As I'm CO of the SS I'm thinking STG44/MP40 but might bring either my Sten or Thompson as a backup as they have sexy range
Can bring my MG42 along(Which was the original plan) but having just skirmished it I'm not sure whether I got the hop working after having a Tinker with it
Be great if you can sort the hop,
Ok where is the gunner no 2? Any volunteers?
Will be bringing my mg42 and mp44. Will also bring my mp40 as a back up weapon and my thompson as 2nd back up weapon. You never know.
Do we need a 20mm anti aircraft gun ?
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Do we need a 20mm anti aircraft gun ?
Always. I remember last time it was the centre of the end battle.
I've asked if they want the flak gun , can't just bring it if it's unwanted , plus it means I have to get there 30 min earlier.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
High Dadio if you can bring it that would be great thanks definitely use it.
OK guys we have the go ahead to use the flack gun but it will have to be a team effort as its been suggested it can be mobile ,not just as a fixed position weapon , this can only work if we are all prepared to help man it and move it unless we just want to use it as a static piece , any thought's ?
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Had a chat with the British squad and we've all decided that it's best off being used as a static piece in your garage.
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