Hi all -
I recently stumbled across this image on Karkee Web and realized that I actually have no clue where to find British Army jungle uniforms. WPG has JG BD trousers, but that's basically it. I'd love a full-length button shirt like this one (listed as "Shirt, Jungle, 1944" on KW) but obviously originals are nigh impossible to find and none of my usual sources (WPG...) seem to have anything available.
Any ideas?
Anyone? I'm surprised there's been no response!
I'm considering trying out Paddelaters, but a bit worried by some sketchy reviews. Thoughts?
I've got the JG BD trousers from WPG and I bought the JG tailored shirt in lieu of a more correct shirt. It does the job but I'd love to know where I could be a JG BD top too
Yeah, same. I have the WPG JG BD trousers and they're decent enough, but the buttons are awful (frankly) and don't seem to match period photos. They're also far too baggy (a complaint I've seen raised on a the British reenacting forum). I had one of their desert Aertex shirts and it was great but I sold it because the half-button front was strange and it was a little too large anyway.
Really, I'd just a jungle green Aertex shirt with a full-length button front - but they seem impossible to come across!
In Burma it was common place to re-dye KD shirts, trousers and shorts JG as well as mix and match between issued JG uniform. It may not be an immaculate solution but it'd certainly be realistic.
SnS SMLE, SnS No.4, ASG Sten gun, King Arms M1928A1, Projector Infantry Anti Tank, MkII 2" Mortar, Vickers .303