Any space for Luftwaffe flak crew? I'm thinking of starting slowly with a Luftwaffe kit (being a former crab but not a para). In fact, did they have police in the airforce?
Kav, there were police in all factions of the Wehrmacht.
as for flak Crew - discuss with Helga, she's the 20mm NCO
What else should I look at - I'm buying the splinter tunic for sale, will I get away with my M36 trousers, jackboots and helmet (for starters?).
If your going to 'join' the Luftwaffe - get your self a pair of Grey/blue m35 trousers. I have a pair that I got from BL - wore them at the pre-game social.
You'll need to get a LW FB and have that badged up in Red Waffenfarbe for Flak crew.
I have a 'spare' FB that i may sell if it fits you. I'll have it in the car when I pick you up in Doncaster for Varsity.
Legend, cheers mate.
EDIT: Did the Luftwaffe have a ground fighting unit like the RAF Reg (yes I know they have a para element)?
Ya my first victim sorry recruit
boingy boingy boingy
Herman Goring Division.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
oh my dear chap - yes the Luftwaffe had ground troops.
You could even 'badge' up as Herman Goering Div - white waffenfarbe and could wear an SS smock.
I'll take some of my reference books to Varsity - so you can have a look
Cheers Del, and thanks to all for being understanding when it comes to my noob questions on axis kit...
It's ok m8 - the more krauts the merrier i say
Just make sure you have copies of 'Der Adler' for light reading round the campfire(which I believe The Major is making Kav-proof)
It's ok m8 - the more krauts the merrier i say
Just make sure you have copies of 'Der Adler' for light reading round the campfire(which I believe The Major is making Kav-proof)
Yeah, if you get too near, it detonates a huge pyro charge!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
Hmmmm, shrapnel and burns - I'll take it!
You know Kav, you've got me thinking.... I might check out HG Division as a loadout.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
as Arnie says "I have detailed files" if u need any reference info - drop me a line. i have books,scanner etc
Hmm.... actually more kit than I first thought. LW FD have green collar tabs, HG Division have white. Maybe for later...
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
Dam, How did you find out about my plans for the fire?
I'd have got away with it if it was not for the pesky kids.
First and Only Airsoft!!
Lufty field divisions.
They wore an amazing mix of army and air force kit so anything is acceptable by 44
Originally formed form redundant air crew and admin staff, rather than release these men to the army for proper training goering held on to them as part of his own empire.
Pretty appalling track record and the army called them 'mistakenly assembled luftwaffe divisions'. In 1943 it got to a peak of poor performance and they were handed over to army control.
From this point army issue kit arrives in pretty big amounts and by wars end some lads are only recognisable as field div by the air force eagles on their kit.
Originally LFD has waffenfarbe dependent on their previous role but mainly in red for flak crews. It was to conspicuous and changed to green.
So uniform varies from ealry 'alarm company' days of guarding airbases and garrisoning rear areas of fligerbluse and trousers in lufftwaffe blue, sometimes with a zeltbhan.
Later they were issued the tradmark field division thigh length smock and then finally full army issue of kit.
They were also frequently supplied with captured surplus, mainly in support weapons rather than clothing.
Very different troops from the herman goring division.
I like field div though they have that underdog appeal, i read loads of books on them a few years past when i painted a company of them with supporting flak and tows for a wargame.
this is a good book.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Great stuff , Gadge! Once again, Mr Benn strikes, er, again...
I've got the FD tunic coming from a chap on the 'for sale' thread, and I'm seriously considering some other uniform stuff before the overtime runs out.
So, my reading of that lot above it, a mix of my Heer uniform and webbing, and the LWFD smock and some little bits and pieces is fine for the impression?
Pretty much although you'd want luftwaffe insignia and belt buckle to make it look 'right'.
The iconic look is 17th LFD in Normandy
Jackboots, blue trousers, splinter smock and steel helmet..
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Pretty much although you'd want luftwaffe insignia and belt buckle to make it look 'right'.
The iconic look is 17th LFD in Normandy
Jackboots, blue trousers, splinter smock and steel helmet..
That was the image I had in my head, funnily enough.