Comrades in Arms re...
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Comrades in Arms regroups for battle in 2013

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Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin
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Comrades In Arms returns from the sanatorium refreshed and ready to battle in 2013. Having been removed from the front line due to battle fatigue the team are now rested, back to fighting fitness and have regrouped to form a leaner, fitter and more focussed squad.

The team now comprises of three: Headshot, Sgt. Heide and Chomley-Warner. David and Stephen were two of the original team of five who kicked of the WW2 airsoft scene in 2006 and Pete joined the team in 2009. All are experienced airsofters and have a keen sense of what they want to get out of WW2 airsoft games and encompass that in the ‘Comrades in Arms’ ethic that has been adopted by several game organisers.

So, will the 2013 Comrades in Arms be more of the same or something new? Both really. We will stick with the three original principles of CiA, (the other four of seven have been adopted by other means):
• Non-profit making and site independent
• Organise WW2 games that follow a principle of restricted ammo, authentic uniforms and weapons, and period props giving a high degree of suspension of disbelief
• Keep an ‘friendly and inclusive’ approach rather than ‘elitist and stitch-counting’

But there will be a change of attitude. Sure we are proud of what we created in the past but we take great pleasure in being part of the community, and recognise the various WW2 airsoft game organisers each bring something of their own to the mix, ensuring all tastes are met.

And as there are fewer of us we don’t want to make organising games even more of a ball ache than it is already, so that while prop building might be slimmed back, ambition and imagination won’t be. We like new and different sites, we like a mix of game styles, we like historical accuracy, we like a challenge. There won’t be four games a year, we can’t physically maintain that sort of workload – those days have gone. But we can focus on quality rather than quantity – better that games are remembered for the right reasons than the wrong!

What the hell is Comrades in Arms then?
So, for those new to WW2, what are CiA events all about? As our name implies, it has a lot to do with comradeship. CiA socials were legendry, everyone gets to know everyone - indeed quite a lot of the committed WW2 airsofters are those that got the bug with us right at the beginning. We put a lot of focus on the ‘like-minded’ thing; anyone who turns up with a notion of blatting in dressing up will be rather disappointed. It could be possible that you get through a day without firing a shot. You might have spent two hours crawling towards an objective or spent an hour or two digging yourself a secure gun position. You might find yourself leading a squad to certain death or fulfilling a vital mission against seemingly impossible odds.

You see CiA games aren’t about obsessing with small uniform details (the level of accuracy is up to the player – we regard uniform as just work-wear, as soldiers on the front line did) but they are about working as a team to a common purpose, following commands and staying alive (or dying for a cause). The games aren’t scripted; there are objectives and a game plan for sure, but ultimately what happens is what happens – failure or success is equal in terms of game satisfaction. We left the ‘win at all costs’ idea back in the open day airsoft games we used to play. What CiA is about is the experience – what it might have been like for a soldier on the front line (within the bounds of what is possible with unfit or ageing players and keeping it ‘fun’). So challenging, frustrating, elating, confusing, grafting, might all be adjectives that can be applied to CiA events – each event something to remember.

Comrades in Arms has its own website where you can look back to previous events and if you haven’t been to a CiA game before then it might we worth having a look around.
And for more information on what Comrades in Arms is all about have a read here:

Posted : 03/10/2012 12:15 pm
Posts: 2332
Noble Member

Great news! Welcome back fellas! :D

Posted : 03/10/2012 12:44 pm
Posts: 2199
Noble Member

:happyclap: :happydance: :happyswing: :mexican:
Fantastic news, looking forward to it already :D

Posted : 03/10/2012 2:02 pm
Posts: 3523
Famed Member

splendid news,hope i can get to one of you'r games in 2013.

m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well

Posted : 03/10/2012 2:16 pm
Posts: 1075
Noble Member

Yay :)

Posted : 03/10/2012 2:21 pm
Posts: 2142
Noble Member

Good news indeed :good:

Posted : 03/10/2012 3:04 pm
Posts: 2866
Famed Member

Welcome back. Looking forward to more CiA games in the future.


"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.

Posted : 03/10/2012 4:00 pm
Universal Gunner
Posts: 449
Reputable Member

:happyclap: :happydance: :happyswing:

I shall add my voice to the chorus.

Welcome Back!


I have a small skewer hidden in the collar of my jumping jacket, and a razorblade in my gaiter, as well as my knife.

Posted : 03/10/2012 4:17 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Bout bloody time......:twisted:

Happy days.:D

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2


Posted : 03/10/2012 5:37 pm
Posts: 243
Estimable Member

I feel rough as a 3 day old dead badger today but you have made my day!

Posted : 04/10/2012 5:31 pm
Posts: 4652
Famed Member

Huzzah, indeed!

A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.

Posted : 04/10/2012 11:32 pm
Joseph Porta
Posts: 4105
Famed Member


"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison

Posted : 04/10/2012 11:34 pm
Posts: 1011
Noble Member

:happydance: :good:


Terms & Conditions of Sales :
Payment by Paypal only > Cleared funds must be available when deal is agreed - no e-Cheques.
Possible Swaps/Parts-Exs (with regular forum members only) -
* British BD Trousers & Blouse, to fit 48"-50" chest, 40"+ waist, tall fitting/long leg
* British Gaiters/Anklets, not blanco'd, largest size available

Posted : 05/10/2012 12:58 am
Posts: 796
Noble Member

About bloody time gentlemen :happyclap:

Posted : 08/10/2012 11:26 pm
Posts: 6310
Illustrious Member

Good News !! :good:

Posted : 12/10/2012 9:39 am
Posts: 1736
Noble Member

So come on then, let's have a hint about the first post re-boot ;-) event.

Posted : 12/10/2012 12:02 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin
Topic starter

Yes, good plan. Working on dates at the mo and if it works out then three events for 2013. None will require massive amounts of ammo. All will require dressing up. What more could you ask for?

Posted : 12/10/2012 12:25 pm
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

What more could you ask for?

Dancing girls? :D

Posted : 12/10/2012 1:27 pm
Joseph Porta
Posts: 4105
Famed Member

I want cossacks or other cavalry , with foam lances and sabres
Polish cav charging panzers what a game :D

"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison

Posted : 12/10/2012 1:54 pm
Posts: 4320
Famed Member

I want cossacks or other cavalry , with foam lances and sabres
Polish cav charging panzers what a game :D

You WILL get a history lecture you know... ask others. :evil: :twisted: :wink:

Posted : 12/10/2012 1:57 pm
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