I've just found a Falshi K98 bandolier for sale on line. It claims to be an "early war field grey" example bought from Richard Underwood. It has square edged pouch flaps with two poppers per pouch. I have checked R.U.'s website and he no longer seems to have them for sale. I have scoured the net and cannot find any other examples with square flaps and the two poppers. Is this historically inaccurate or not. It is on at a good price but it's not worth a penny to me if it's wrong. ANY HELP WILL BE APPRECIATED.
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
That's right but the flaps are not squared off and there's only one popper per flap. These all look to be correct. The example I am talking off has two poppers per flap.
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
Some had 1 popper, some had 2. I am sure what you quote will be fine.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
Yeah! similar but isn't that an FG2 bandolier? I will now try to post a pic of the one I'm talking about.
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
Found one
Google images gives the link to Richard Underwood's site but it just comes up with the M38 helmet
Edit: With abit more effort http://www.richardaunderwood.com/produc ... cts_id=259
WELL DONE!!! That's the one. So! Is it correct or not ???
EDIT: I was struggling to upload the image.
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
From what on his website
I'd say it's correct but I'm no expert so I'd wait to see if someone comfirms this
I'd guess it's one of those rare things that croped up in the war as theres no many pics of em
Sorry I can't be more help
Thanks for helping.
I've trawled the images on the net and can't find any other pics of this type of bandolier. There are hundreds of examples of the types shown in the pics above and all the patterns are very similar apart from the colour/camo. So far this seems to be a one off.
It's also my experience that when any of the militaria repro shops are selling anything that's not quite right, they never mention the errors/shortcomings of their product.
Thanks again,
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
If I remember correctly (and it is 4am after some shandies) the 2 popper squared edge bandolier is a very early (pre war)version and thus correct. The 1 popper rounded versions were slightly later (1940 I think) starting with blue then green, then splinter and finally tan (plain tan not T&W)