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[Sticky] DAK Kit Guide

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Below are some early images of what would be the ideal look for the German participants.

Please use this thread for posting up links to where to aquire the kit from.

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Posted : 19/10/2009 4:14 pm
Posts: 2682
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Obviously those pictures show full marching order rather than fighting kit. There is no requirement to wear that much, basic webbing is perfectly fine.

Posted : 19/10/2009 4:39 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

I'm assuming that's an A-frame under there somewhere? What else?

Got any reference for sand-coloured paint?

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 19/10/2009 4:42 pm
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Obviosuly those pictures show full marching order rather than fighting kit. There is no requirement to wear that much, basic webbing is perfectly fine.

But lardy is such a kit-whore he couldn't help himself..

I know... "pot calling the kettle black" and all that! ;)

Posted : 19/10/2009 4:42 pm
Posts: 10414
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DAK is something I have not looked into - partly for fear of getting yet another loadout! :roll:

What "regular" Heer kit would be accurate? (i.e. Feldfläsche, breadbag, leather webbing, etc)

[edit] - just seen the kit guides - ignore! :whistle:

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 19/10/2009 4:47 pm
Posts: 2682
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But lardy is such a kit-whore he couldn't help himself..

I know... "pot calling the kettle black" and all that! ;)

Indeed. it may have been sensible to have got some picture without the A-frame as well. oh well. :slap:

I'm assuming that's an A-frame under there somewhere? What else?

Got any reference for sand-coloured paint?

Yup its an A-frame with pack, zelt, mess tin and blanket wrapped in greatcoat (not a tropical one yet unfortunately). Plus all the usual fight order webbing.

The exact sand colour doesn't matter that much. Sand coloured paint would could have been taken from Italian or British stocks so colour match is difficult. If you want to use german colours then 'Braun' is your best bet, it was the standard AFV base colour from 42 onwards. As with Dunkelgelb I think the wartime 'Braun' is different to the modern RAL version. Judging by colour charts RAL 1011 Brown Beige looks quite close. The earlier colour Gelbraun RAL 8000 would also be ok & may be the same as the modern greenbrown of the same code.

What "regular" Heer kit would be accurate? (i.e. Feldfläsche, breadbag, leather webbing, etc)

I know you said ignore but for clarity normal temperate webbing is fine. A mix of tropical and temperate is best. The supply system was often choatic so a complete set of tropical kit would have been unlikely. In some cases the 'tropical' version was in the minority. For instance my feldfläsche is often called a tropical version but the standard version with cover was far more common in Africa. 'Tropical' entrenching tool covers should be avoided as they never existed.

Posted : 19/10/2009 5:06 pm
Posts: 1075
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would this be the right tunic? ... ive-green-

Posted : 19/10/2009 5:55 pm
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Looks to be, there's a place on eBay which does tunic and trousers for about £60 before postage, the tunic comes with collar insig, cuff titles etc... worth looking into

Posted : 19/10/2009 6:02 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Yes Marsha. DAK kit was olive green, not sand yellow. I have been doing a little ebay search, and some are calling the tan / sand uniform DAK, including this guy. ... ec0Q2em322

However, he also does the olive one very cheap. :)

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 19/10/2009 6:03 pm
Posts: 1075
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thanks for that i must say that is cheap and postage too but have to wait till next month now
oh god more kit :roll:

Posted : 19/10/2009 6:16 pm
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Topic starter ... K:MEWAX:IT
Hat ... K:MEWAX:IT
Tunic and trousers

In combat (in the desert) the hat and tunic/trousers would have bleeched quite quickly, obviously with the british weather :roll: this isnt so easy to do!

Posted : 19/10/2009 6:25 pm
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by the time of the Kasserine pass, the Korp were on their uppers, grant you you could argue that in terms of supply they always were. trousers were frequently found to be luftwaffe or british, Jackets, when worn as the shirt was favoured were a mix of M40's and a later economy version without the pleats in the pockets. The iconic Afrika Korp cuff title was worn that much as the troops couldn't be arse to sew them on. This was especially true with the later plam tree Afrika title. belt order was mininum kit. Water bottle, some time X2, ammo pouches, grenades ect and helmet, although there are many pic to be found of troops just wearing the cloth sun hat. In the latter stages boot were generally what ever was shipped over. There was a swap over between luftwaffe and heer kit, but webbing was predominantly used. The leather drying out and cracking in the heat of the desert. Strangely the Kar 98 pouches were uses during the entire conflict.
Regarding paint for helmets and gasmask cannisters, for those familiar with the WW2 game flames of war. They do a range of acrillic paints and the closest to the bleached look sand/brown is their Panzer aces range, 310 old wood. small pot and a little goes a long way. It does need to be sealed with a matt sealant, but its a cheap and easy way to Korp your stalhelm( works on belt buckles as well) TIP once the sealant is dry cove it with dried earth, leave, and then lightly brush off. stops the shine, looks the nuts.
British socks were also very popular with the Korps, many being aquired after the fall of Tobruk, funnily enough so were the british trousers. Again many pics of light coloured trousers and the clearly darker M40 jacket. (officers did like the lufty trousers) The iconic sun hat was bleached to a virtual white, I found an original in the Malta war museum this year which could only be described as bone white. Be careful of Chinese insignia. They are not correct. The ever excellent Mr richard Morgi DAK insignia is spot on. I went for the 90th light infantry as they were present in all Korp battles and reformed for Italy (only the injured escaped he fall of tunisgrad)
The Korp was a bit rag tag and we do love them for it. (quite a number had beards, including a rather natty chap with a fetching goatee,Ahem no relation BTW)
Webbing was olive green straigt through to a sand colour. Usual for wartime issue. I prefer the olive green, but its hard to get.
I have been a Korp devotee for a very long time and I do so hope to get to this game.
Great kit lardy.

Posted : 19/10/2009 7:28 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Pirchen/ANT-Z also does Tropical uniforms that are meant to be very good.

That M40 tunic looks beautiful. I was going to try and do this on the cheap cheap, but all the far east tunics - APART from Pirschen - look too long in the body. Check the space between the upper and lower pockets and you'll see how much shorter Chen's ones are - and his is correct. I shall draw dog green 1's attention to this game - he is able to get us Chen's stuff for the same price, but without the worry about customs charges on top.

Incidentally, Chen is also doing very nice looking M35 Stahlhelmen in sand colour. 8)

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 19/10/2009 8:15 pm
Posts: 2682
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Good info Imp. You may have saved me job. As one of the few DAK players out there it would be great to have you there :good:

Non standard kit is something that I intended to go into more detail on in terms of what will be allowed. We want the germans involved Heer only for the sake of unit identity and obviously it would be great to have 20 people kitted out in full DAK uniform but thats probably wishful thinking. Therefore bits of British, Italian and Luftwaffe kit are allowed to make it easier for people to get kitted out due to them often being used as Imp points says.
The key point however is not to over do it so that you don't start looking like a different unit entirely. I think keeping to a rule of 2/3rds standard to 1/3rd other clothing would be a good way to do it. E.g. If you have some LW tropical trousers you only need a Heer shirt or tunic and Heer headgear. If you have a Brit KD shirt then Heer trousers (or shorts) & headgear is all you need. I do think headgear should be kept standard though being often the most identifiable piece of kit.
If in doubt though, just ask. :good:

I shall draw dog green 1's attention to this game - he is able to get us Chen's stuff for the same price, but without the worry about customs charges on top.

Certainly worth asking as Chens stuff really is good.

Incidentally, Chen is also doing very nice looking M35 Stahlhelmen in sand colour.

Looks like it could be a little light to me but hard to tell in a photo. It would be ok anyway, alot better than some I've seen.

Oh and you've just caused me to find his Italian Camo tunics. Maybe I can afford my D&B uniform sooner than I thought? :happyclap:

Posted : 19/10/2009 8:34 pm
Posts: 1512
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Cheer Lardy mate, sorry didn't mean to stick me nose in. I'm a bit passionate about DAK, which is probably why Its not finished yet. I'm trying to get it just right. Your spot on about trying to get it unified, just looks untidy otherwise. :good:

Posted : 19/10/2009 8:41 pm
Posts: 2682
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No problem, any input is welcome. I hope we can be as untidily unified as possible as per the DAK standard. :D

Posted : 19/10/2009 8:48 pm
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:rofl: :happyclap:

Posted : 19/10/2009 8:55 pm
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I've had trousers off this chap and they were superb. Didn't hear from him for two or three weeks and then they turned up all lovely in the post no problem at all. Not had a jacket off him mind you. Prices are very nice, maybe worth a look.

Posted : 19/10/2009 9:01 pm
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