I expect all German players to learn this song before the game and we shall sing it as we brush aside these Yankees and advance to Casablanca.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v_a4yPM ... re=related
Panzer Rollen In Afrika Vor
Heiß über Afrikas Boden die Sonne glüht.
Unsere Panzermotoren singen ihr Lied!
Deutsche Panzer im Sonnenbrand,
Stehen zum Kampf gegen England
Es rasseln die Ketten, es dröhnt der Motor,
Panzer rollen in Afrika vor.
Hot over African ground, the sun is glowing.
Our panzer engines sing their song!
German panzers in the blazing sun,
As they stand in battle against England.
The tracks rattle, the engine roars,
Panzers roll in Africa.
Ah, they don't write 'em like that any more!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier