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[Sticky] Important Information

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Just heard from our contact at Lincolnshire Airsoft Club, apparently the Council have suspended the use of the site as an airsoft site whilst they deliberate over this years usage quota as a non-quarry operation. (ie 4x4 driving and Airsoft) :evil:

Could be a week, month or 2 months before we know whether we can still have our date on this site, there is absolutely nothing that LAC and ourselves can do about this currently, so we've all got our fingers crossed, but may have to consider postponing the event or finding an alternative venue should things go against our favour.

Sorry chaps to many of you who I know have already bought the kit for this event, I'm utterly gutted. :(

Posted : 02/02/2010 9:06 am
Posts: 690
Honorable Member

Damn!! :slap: , good job I didn't buy the DAK kit at the weekend then :good: , back to slow building it up again, let us all pray to the Airsoft gods that the Council sort it fast.

"Will you stop talking about the war!!"
"What, you started it!"
"We did NOT start it!"
"Yes you did, you invaded Poland..."

Posted : 02/02/2010 9:13 am
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

Yes, I'm gutted as well, I was really looking forward to this! In fact even now I know it's cancelled/postponed/whatever I still keep running through my head the plans for the event!

I sympathise with all those who've gone out and got DAK kit especially for the event!

Posted : 02/02/2010 9:52 am
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

As I spend much of my working life arguing with councils over planning permissions, I've had a bit of a nose around. Unless I miss my mark the site opperators have a problem with the council in getting permission for lawful use of the site.
The consultation period appears to be over which may well make this a moot point, but it may be worth our writing to the council to urge them to approve the application. Usually they only get objection letters, so letters saying 'yes please' to a planning application are worthwhile. Copy it to local councillors and the MP and you can sometimes be in business.
However, from reading the bunf available I can't make out if they were only entitled to opperate as an off road driving centre, so we may not help matters if we did.
So, Webby or other organiser, do you fancy having a chat with the powers that be (ie: our contact/site opperator) to see if they would like us to write in? If so I suggest we do and quick before there is a planning decision. Believe me, a letter from 50+ 'voters' is a big deal for a local councillor.

Posted : 02/02/2010 10:29 am
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Aw crud.

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 02/02/2010 6:32 pm
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

Bugger. I hope this still goes ahead, after just finishing my Infantry kit and my Garand!

When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 02/02/2010 6:35 pm
Posts: 1512
Noble Member

this is Kasserine pass.
Left of field suggestion. Taffy's ex site?. It worked well for Husky and Kasserine had he worst weather for Jan/Fed 43 in years so the place was a lot greener. Thoughts?

Posted : 02/02/2010 7:03 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin

Craig's game is being held at taht site the four weeks before, it would compromise that event I feel.

Posted : 02/02/2010 8:06 pm
Posts: 1512
Noble Member

Ah yes, monte cassino, forgot about that. Pity

Posted : 02/02/2010 8:07 pm
Posts: 6310
Illustrious Member

Ian, many thanks for the information :good:

Posted : 08/02/2010 8:29 am