Exactly. I dare say a system similar to yours will be what were will be introducing next time only with the tokens rather than the actual ammo.
Yes, the bike charge was gloriously hopeless. I was actually behind the AT gun at the time and I couldn't believe it when they set off towards us. They did manage to ping a few BBs off the gun shield, so good shooting from them.
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
Well considering I probably didn't even get through 50 rounds on the day I personally didn't need to get any of the tickets. I suspect most of AT group was the same as we were all (apart from steve) running rifles.
One last niggle tho... Tony and Hazel put a lot of time and resources into catering for us and only Rich, bigkie and I stayed Saturday night. a poor effort by any standards. I know we all have busy lives but we rarely have the luxury of having such facilities on site and such welcoming hosts. Let's use them next time.
Agreed, Tony and Hazel were really welcoming. I felt a bit guilty about all the food Hazel cooked, but unfortunately two of our number couldn't eat Spag Bol and I don't like it, plus we didn't know that food was on offer until the morning of the event, and we'd already made plans to eat elsewhere.
I think more people would have stayed the night if there had been a better weather forecast, but heavy rain and strong wind were forecast for Sunday morning which certainly made my decision to leave a lot easier. In the end, it was quite nice on Sunday morning!
Regarding Ruskie tokens. I only changed mags once, so I only took one.
I don't like small sites have been to some in the past at CIA events and didn't enjoy seeing the enemy 40 ft away and being told they were not in rang or visible yet. Just how a game has to be forced to run sometimes but it is a strain on the imagination to say you can't see them
Care to give me some examples?
No point past history it just happens some times.
To be fair, we've included scenarios that have 'observe and report, but do not engage' such as Autumn Mist, but I think all of the sites CIA have used over the years have been at least a hundred acres or so, so this hasn't been much of an issue. Even on the 2000 acre Ceri Forest, we spent all morning on the first day scouting and reporting back findings, with the odd snap ambush if needed.
To be fair, we've included scenarios that have 'observe and report, but do not engage' such as Autumn Mist, but I think all of the sites CIA have used over the years have been at least a hundred acres or so, so this hasn't been much of an issue. Even on the 2000 acre Ceri Forest, we spent all morning on the first day scouting and reporting back findings, with the odd snap ambush if needed.
Ah yes, that could be the confusion. I have always used 'do not engage, and try not to be seen' for reconnaissance missions. Likewise on the flip side I have used 'Hold the front against enemy probes, but do not get lured from your duty'.
Exactly. I dare say a system similar to yours will be what were will be introducing next time only with the tokens rather than the actual ammo.
Actually, just as a note, it is not that hard, or expensive to provide it really. Most people use .25s (and those that don't just have to do a bit of housekeeping for their finickitynes) and a whole day does not go through much ammo really. A single bag of x000 has always done me an event, with plenty to spare. Just spend a day putting 'rough' amounts into envelopes/sandwich bags etc.
What has to be really thought about is what to do if people have used it all - are you willing to shrug your shoulders at lunchtime and say "better fix bayonets then"?
(note, I kept 100 rounds in my pocket for this emergency. meaning just in case it was used up I could give each soldier 12 rounds or so.)
Expensive or hard? No. Time consuming? Yes. I guess the tokens just require a greater degree of trust though. We'll probably still with them just because we still have a box full of each.
I have used 'Hold the front against enemy probes, but do not get lured from your duty'.
I fail to see the difference really. The wording may be different but you're basically saying the same thing. Would it have been different if we'd said hold your fire to conserve ammo and remain concealed? Or even that you can't shoot as you have no ammo at all (which was considered).
Realistically we should have put the wire (and thus the end of the minefield) further from the forward Russian positions but at the time the amount of cover seemed sufficient if the pioneers moved properly. Of course 6 guys are easier to spot than one and not everyone is quite as willing/able (or stupid) as me to crawl through the mud for an hour to cover 40m.
I decided we would utilise the captured gun to support our attack. Due to the lack of maintenance on the gun by it slovenly Bolshevik crew, stealth was not an option and Ivan had the oportunity to prepared a well placed ambush which we rushed headlong into at the cost of many of our men.
Funny you say that because from our point of view, we were pretty much ambushed by you lot, but i suppose in the chaos of war plus the fact we were close to our previous fighting postions made us seem more organised than we actually were
Only downer of the day (was quite funny actually) was being stung on the ear by a wasp, did notice quite a few wasps nests around actually.. anyway the next morning it swelled up, pushing my ear out and creating a lot of funny looks at work the next day (Face blacked out isn't me trying to be operator
its just because i looked like an idiot)
I thought the big black mark was a side effect of the wasp sting.
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
My dream come true! WWII Airsoft at Com's Site 3 was a real treat and I'm proud to have met you all.
Thank you all!
As many of you may know, I've been in the WWII re-enactment scene for 12 years and involved in Airsoft since 1994.
The two hobbies combined was indeed a first for me (yes, I can't believe I've never actually taken part in WWII Airsoft!!) I have known Gunman Josh forever (great fella!) and I have always been invited but just never booked in!
When Kieran contacted me at the beginning of the year I was very pleased indeed!
Special thanks to Kieran and Richard - I know exactly how hard it is to run an event and all the behind the scenes hard work that goes into it! In my opinion it was a job well done!
I did feel like a "spare part" as I'm usually the one running round with my Marshal's - but you guys had it all covered. So..... I just made sure I took as many pictures as I could for you and offered assistance when required.
To don my Uniform and take part as the "dispatch rider" was a great experience! NO Richard, I wasn't "daft" enough to ride at the AT Gun.... I was following ORDERS!!!! - we had a plan.....
I'm sure it bought a little excitement to the afternoon?
After our total annihilation, we rode the motorcycle onward - only to be ambushed! Total professionalism to the Ruskies.... rather than shoot us up, they held fire and accepted our surrender! Sportsmanship on a high level!
The comment regarding the food.... I did submit the menu a MONTH before the game date...... maybe Bigkie forgot to pass that on? We had Chicken Wraps and/or Burgers for those who didn't want Spag Bol!
We did get our wires crossed slightly as we bought food for a two day event - so we did have rather a lot of waste (Hazel blames me of course)
Who had a go on the Blank Fire MP38???? How cool was that! If we ever meet again, I'll bring up a few more toys to fire (MP40's, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Thompsons, MP44 etc) they always raise a smile!
Lastly - John... PvtJohn - really, really nice guy and its a shame we were not up early enough to say goodbye on the Sunday Morning. Thanks for sticking around John... a real pleasure to meet you.
I hope you enjoyed your visit to Rift Airsoft's Com's Site 3 - we certainly enjoyed your company. I know its not the biggest site in the UK but it certainly has enough diversity to keep most players very happy indeed.
398 Photo's are up and ready to view on the R.I.f.T. Website.
If I can be of any assistance please contact me
All the best,
I thought the big black mark was a side effect of the wasp sting.
or some sort of ultimate readers wives affair
The comment regarding the food.... I did submit the menu a MONTH before the game date...... maybe Bigkie forgot to pass that on?
We had Chicken Wraps and/or Burgers for those who didn't want Spag Bol!
We did get our wires crossed slightly as we bought food for a two day event - so we did have rather a lot of waste (Hazel blames me of course)![]()
A freezer full of spag bol and enough food for the next two months??
Tony nice to have you on here buddy!! Now get yourself to Hells Highway in November
The comment regarding the food.... I did submit the menu a MONTH before the game date...... maybe Bigkie forgot to pass that on?
We had Chicken Wraps and/or Burgers for those who didn't want Spag Bol!
We did get our wires crossed slightly as we bought food for a two day event - so we did have rather a lot of waste (Hazel blames me of course)
Mate, did make it clear food was going to be available in what was the camping thread. I have since deleted this thread to tidy up the section a bit. If people dont see it then thats nothing i can control but he ho more spag for me, johnny and rich and i am sure the spag for breakfast challenge may have been an interesting option
Tony, thanks so much for your input over the weekend. You and Hazel were so welcoming right from the off. I would have stayed over on the Saturday had it not been for my bad back and sore feet, as I explained to you at the time. I hope you can understand an old fart like me wanting a hot shower and the comfort of my own bed.
I loved having a go on the MP38. That was a first for me and tremendously exciting. Thanks for taking all the photos for me on my camera. Much appreciated. Also thanks for the ride around the site in the side car. Finally thanks for the great deal on the gas and the BB's. Don't forget I've got first dibs on the blank firer if you decide to sell it.
I hope we do meet again mate. I wish you all the luck in the world with the site and perhaps Dave and I will come back down for a game before too long.
All the very best,
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
I still think the spag bol grenades have legs myself.
Tony nice to have you on here buddy!! Now get yourself to Hells Highway in November
Mate, did make it clear food was going to be available in what was the camping thread. I have since deleted this thread to tidy up the section a bit. If people dont see it then thats nothing i can control but he ho more spag for me, johnny and rich
and i am sure the spag for breakfast challenge may have been an interesting option
I'm really interested in the November Battle - I just need to make sure I have everything covered at Rift so I can have the time off!
Thanks for adding the info to the Camping thread - I guess it may have been overlooked
Better for us to have more food than you guys turn up and have nothing to eat!
I'm off to get another bowl of....... yes, you guessed it.....
I still think the spag bol grenades have legs myself.
Would those be the ones in the portaloo on Sunday? Can't believe they grew legs...
Who had a go on the Blank Fire MP38???? How cool was that! If we ever meet again, I'll bring up a few more toys to fire (MP40's, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Thompsons, MP44 etc) they always raise a smile!
Lastly - John... PvtJohn - really, really nice guy and its a shame we were not up early enough to say goodbye on the Sunday Morning. Thanks for sticking around John... a real pleasure to meet you.
I hope you enjoyed your visit to Rift Airsoft's Com's Site 3 - we certainly enjoyed your company. I know its not the biggest site in the UK but it certainly has enough diversity to keep most players very happy indeed.
398 Photo's are up and ready to view on the R.I.f.T. Website.
If I can be of any assistance please contact me![]()
All the best,
Mate, the pleasure was all mine. It was quite a blast getting my hands on the MP38. Awesome! Had to get away early as my shoulder had seized up and I was worried about not being able to drive. Apparently I've torn something in my rotator cuff just to echo Kieran's sentiments, get yourself along to hells highway. It would be a pleasure to fight with you. Give my regards to hazel, she's a diamond. All the best with your business and I hope to play at one of your sites sooner rather than later.
thank you Tony and Hazel,you could not have been a better host's, you really should come and join the fun some time .the noise of the bike in the background was really atmospheric and looked good in the pictures as well.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
I have used 'Hold the front against enemy probes, but do not get lured from your duty'.
I fail to see the difference really. The wording may be different but you're basically saying the same thing. Would it have been different if we'd said hold your fire to conserve ammo and remain concealed? Or even that you can't shoot as you have no ammo at all (which was considered).
The difference is that one is a tactical order - mainly used in case anyone is an airsofter and to remind them not to run after the first thing they see to get some trigger time. But also used because the goal at that point is to stop the enemy acquiring intelligence on the defenses, if half the defenders run off for a blatfest then that makes the enemies job easier.
Telling someone to pretend they cannot see the enemy is very different from ordering them to hold their positions.
I am not sure how you could otherwise word it for the situation here, I mean the whole point of barbed wire is to shoot anyone who comes along to gap it really. Maybe by not having us there? Keeping a lot in reserve with some 'pickets' out front (still, what would they do except shout alarm and then back to square one).
No ammo/conserving ammo is possible.
Of course 6 guys are easier to spot than one and not everyone is quite as willing/able (or stupid) as me to crawl through the mud for an hour to cover 40m.
meh, then they should accept failure and have to gap it in the charge - with cover fire and mortar attack. I would probably not crawl 40 meters on my belly (or if so, very slowly), so I would stay at the back not just bimbling around giving away the location of the person who would crawl on their belly.