After much deliberation I have organised the British troops into two fighting squads and a Bren section. The Bren Section will be attached to the other squads as required by the individual mission.
NCOs have been allocated and informed of their squads.
The Order of Battle is as follows:
Mjr. G. Harvey
Lt. R. Heath1st Squad
Cpl. D. Pratt (Chomley-Warner)
Pte. M. Webb (webby)
Pte. G. Compton (Peppered)
Pte. C. Armistead (wladek)
Pte. D. Mindham (horus)
Pte. P. Grice (Pete 59)2nd Squad:
Cpl. J. Grieve (Ramsay00105)
Pte. E. Davidson (panther)
Pte. S. Logan (stof)
Pte. C. Southwood
Pte. D. Hockey
Pte. J. BlumeBren Section:
L/Cpl. A. Quinn (Barrie and Anne)
Pte. N. Cheetham (scaleyback)
Pte. B. Quinn (Barrie and Anne)
(Please can all Privates ensure that they have NO rank insignia on their uniforms. I will have a clasp knife ready for removal of such unauthorised insignia on the day and the perpetrators will be put on a charge. )
Hi, very sorry I missed the training day as it looked ace.
Do you want us to have badged up jackets (Commando insignia) or will that look a bit too posh for the mountains?
I have aux Bren pouches, should I bring these for the Bren group?
Peter Rabbit - Tank Killer
Typical. I just get my gold field marshals epaulettes attached to my commando uniform and I have to remove them.
Commando insignia is fine, I'll be wearing mine.
We have some Bren pouches already, thanks though!