Hi chaps.
Two very important notices before the game.
Least important first; we've filled up all the places now for everything except UK Commando and we have about three places left if anyones interested... if you fancy it and dont have he kit we can probably loan you a set.
So we can no longer take bookings for Axis or Partisans.
Now for the important stuff.
Normally at a PBI event your deposit goes towards the cost of props, paperwork an other misc expenses (and beleive me it does get burnt up quickly when we built specific constructions) - the other £15 - £20 paid on the day goes to the site to cover their costs of running a site, food, power etc etc.
Now the guys from Grange Farm told us on Saturday that:
Now I think thats amazingly generous and means that not only will you be getting a good day out but you'll be helping a worthy cause too!
Thats means GF will be donating over £700 to the charity if everyone turns up on the day.
So if we can find volunteers to fill in those last three spaces lets try our best - it could mean an extra £60 towards helping the men who've really put their lives on the line keeping us free and safe.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Please note, I have full No 2 Commando kit to lend if anybody is interested - BD blouse and trousers, leather jerkin, webbing and even a Thompson.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
sadly I have been informed that I'm now working for this. Joys of the jod I'm afraid. So Partisan place up for grabs. Sorry.
Hi Gadge , I see you havn't got Cliff Southwood on the list of British Commandos, I sent his deposit I via paypal so you should have 2 deposits from me.
Sorry my bad, ill fix that now.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Two places for brit commando and 1 for partisans left....
Be great if we can have a full house for this one.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Hi Gadge , I have a young lady , actually Cliff's other half , by the name of Damaris Hockey,who would like to play British Commando and between us we have enough gear to kit her out, she may have to wear a denison and use a thomson but we will get her dressed suitably.Paypalling the deposit to you directly
Awesome , just about to go to bed now, will ammend forms in the morning,
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Cool, now I've just got to find somebody else to look after my labrador for the weekend !
Sorry to be incredibly stupid, but this is only my second game and....can anyone actually tell me where this is?!! (I believe its somewhere in Leicestershire?)
Cheers, Seidler