I skirmish at apocalypse 249 quite often.
It's a huge site (200 acres plus can open more if we want).
There's lots of woodland, and a village so could do a carentan or foy type scenario.
They approached me today saying they would really like to do a ww2 day but want to make sure it's what we want from such a day.
It would be a Saturday, camping sat night would be ok.
So two questions one who would probably go to kent and secondly is there anyone who would be willing to liaise with the owners and or me about scenarios props etc? I would like to get involved with organising as I'm sure would Ryan but we have absolutely no experience.....
Bit of Chicken and egg.
Would I come to Kent for a game Yes
Would it have to be the right type of game? Yes so two different questions really.
Would I help out with Props? Definitely
I think your first starting point should be to liaise with the site owners. Are they going to put the game on for you or are they going to let you hire the site and you put on the game? Once you know the answer to that question you have your starting point. In my experience plan the scenario around the site not the other way around or you may be doing North Africa in a woodland site.
Price if they are letting you hire the site you will have control over the cost of the game having spare money for props etc, if they are putting the game on they will take all the money and there won`t be anything to enhance it.
Type of game? Are you doing an introductory type game WW2 open day loads of ammo trigger time or a bit more along the lines of most games on here regarding stringent rule sets ammo limits and uniforms. There is a place for introductory games without doubt or otherwise no one will get fresh blood into the forum.
Lastly putting on an event is really hard work and takes a lot of planning so you will need committed friends to help you do it.
Food for thought but I welcome anyone who will try and drive our hobby forward. last but not least ask other organisers there are loads on here who will offwer experience and look at the forum archives to get a taste about when where how much rule sets etc.
Thankyou for the words of wisdom..
its a really difficult one - the site is immense and diverse and I think would provide some excellent game play. There is woodland /marshland/ and a built up area so from D-day - to a bridge too far is probably all do able.
They are really keen on doing a ww2 event (they have seen the pictures from the games I've played - and basically have said they want to provide such games as they are so much more than the normal skirmishes - which of course they are lol).
They are obviously experienced at doing skirmishes and modern milsims but not ww2.
They could put the game on for us but I think it might not be up to the standards we (me) are used to, help with the scenarios etc I think would provide a much better day.
They have said Β£30 per player.
I'm surprised you say there's room for a intro game tbh. To me that's a skirmish (any sunday). then you grow up... even more food for thought!
I realise it's loads of effort, from my experience the games so far have been simply amazing (and the effort that's gone into them obvious) and I don't want to lower the bar if I am involved in one.
In truth, everyone wanting to run a game is going to have a learning curve - but as long as you think that is going to be half the fun, then go for it.
This advice was written a while ago but still holds up:
PM watsit20 he is I believe from London and is keen on getting a group together to put on a game so if you combine your efforts many hands make light work. Between the two of you you may get something together. Any help needed just ask
There's definitely room for entry level games , most people believe we are really critical over kit appearance and to an extent that's true but it puts people off trying it out for the first time , entry level games allow more looks like kit or m4's with some sack cloth wrapped round and this makes for a cheap toe dipping game , what's then needed is experienced players to come in full kit and the right player attitude to become an example of how you could look and play . What's important is that it's clear what type of game that's planned , if you turn up expecting a high level game and it's just an entry level game then you'd be disappointed , and if you arrive in flecktarn look alike German kit with a sack cloth cover on your m4 and get turned away you would be pretty disappointed as well .
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
I'd be interested in turning up to an entry level game. Just yesterday I went skirmishing in my gebirgsjΓ€ger kit and had a few people interested but it seems the cost of the kit is a huge barrier to entry for the hobby. If there were entry level games where people could try before they invest hundreds in guns and uniforms, I think there'd be more players willing to give it a go (especially once they see the sort of quality of play we have in ww2 games).
I have already said that after my second operation that will be happening this Friday I would put more effort into attending more games even if it ment travelling further afield due to less games being put on each year so you could put me down as a 99% chance of attending.
But one thing you need to think about is what day you organise it for.
As alot of the players are older,married & have to work on Mondays not that I'm saying anyone is out off work & you do get some of the younger generation that have school or higher education therefore most would prefer to play on Saturdays so that they can clean & put their equipment away on the Sunday.
You can also see that some players like to travel o some games on the Friday & camp plus again on the Saturday so that they can travel home on the Sunday at a more laid back pace.
I hope my input helps you just a little.
I would be willing to help you out with some of my toys & tricks without saying to much & as you haven't had the chance to meet me yet you don't know what I can do but all that will be revealed at the battle for Tim.
I'm not bigging myself up but I think I could be the craziest player when it comes to pyro (I'm not shy when it comes to making some noise)
See ya
As it so happens I stumbled across this site a few months back, It looked fairly impressive but I haven't had a chance to visit. Jaggardos who is coming to the TIM game has been before so I'll speak to him and see what he thought of it.
I've been speaking to Gordon about running an event and he has provided me with some solid info . I've already bookmarked the page that Chomley has posted too.
I'd be more than happy to help out and arrange something though. I've got a few scenarios in mind my self for other games. Just a case of getting a few people together to plan things.
- Chris
"I took ballistics in school, fascinating subject! Things go up, then things go down!"
Go for it guys! We could always do with more organisers as the calendar is looking a little threadbare this year.
Tips would be:
1) Start simple - don't try and come up with an uber complicated game plan;
2) Keep it general - aim for an era that will attract players - anything in NW Europe from June '44 onwards is good
3) Aim small to start - don't expect to get 100's of players to start with; aim for 20 a side to keep things manageable
All the other organisers will be very happy to help out where we can (offer to bring our own props etc).
Good luck!
It would have to offer something special for me to travel to Kent,sorry.
myself and two others, are based near ashford in kent, we have brit airborne kit, have been to apocalypse 249 for an open day but hated their medic rules so we never went back as was disappointed, the site had potential though. we have a few other guys who do normal airsoft open days, they might be persuaded to get some kit if there were games closer and more frequent. I think getting word out there is possibly the hardest bit, there are guys who would go its just they don't always realise there is a game on, perhaps we look into a fb page or something for southeast ww2 airsofters to organise games and raise awareness
make tea not war
As it so happens I stumbled across this site a few months back, It looked fairly impressive but I haven't had a chance to visit. Jaggardos who is coming to the TIM game has been before so I'll speak to him and see what he thought of it.
I've been speaking to Gordon about running an event and he has provided me with some solid info . I've already bookmarked the page that Chomley has posted too.
I'd be more than happy to help out and arrange something though. I've got a few scenarios in mind my self for other games. Just a case of getting a few people together to plan things.
- Chris
There we go guys get together rough something out then if you want i will look over it for you and see if there are any pointers or changes we could make.
Go For It!!
I will have a chat to the owners about how they want to approach it...
did anything come of this?
make tea not war
No. They wanted a minimum number paying Β£35. And for us to do everything. I suggested they have a chat with gunman, they said they would but have since gone very quiet. If you look at the zander game which looked very promising only 2(!) allies me and lord elpus and six axis have signed up so I don't know how healthy the scene really is......
No. They wanted a minimum number paying Β£35. And for us to do everything. I suggested they have a chat with gunman, they said they would but have since gone very quiet. If you look at the zander game which looked very promising only 2(!) allies me and lord elpus and six axis have signed up so I don't know how healthy the scene really is......
I think by the look of our May Game 80 plus people the scene is pretty healthy. Even the game in October far away as it is has a fair few booked and the game in July is well supported.
I think you need to consider what you want to achieve. If you want to run a game you want to play, you have to be able to run it for small numbers and getting a site owner to open up their site for little or no return isn't easy. We are hoping to revive the rifles only game ideas next year and we are preparing for ten a side, a few have asked why are you restricting your player base so much, the answer is running a game we want to play.
If you want or need to get bums on seats you need to be looking at what the player wants and that currently seems to be single day games, late war to be inclusive with camping and a social.
There are some that think this is all a bit vanilla but that's the great thing about the wide and varied nature of this forum, it gives many different people the opportunity to play or run a variety of different games. I really do hope you manage to get a game off the ground and as said before if we can be of any help then please don't be afraid to ask
Hi all,
Just to add to this discussion, I'd definitley be up for attending something like this.
As I'm away all this summer the next game I'll be going to is the Ruhr Pocket in October.
Is there a possibility of a something happening in August/September?
The may game was awesome with brilliant attendance.
I think for the organisers here who clearly know what they are doing and good at it too the fan base is definately there.
But for outsiders to come in and put on a game it seems a real uphill struggle (I refer back to Zander).
Of course I could be talking out of my bottom....
Perhaps in a year or two I will have more knowledge of the scene/scenarios/ props etc and confidence to go for it...
I did have a long chat to Ryan who marshals at apocalypse and came to tim's game - he actually felt apocalypse couldn't run a ww2 game there at all.