Sorry, I had completely forgotten I was snapping at the start of the day -
Good pics CW far too many happy faces though and CRINGE
All you Axis dudes, lookin real cool !!
All you Axis dudes, lookin real cool !!
And dudette TYVM
Erm I don't know what you're insinuating
Its the Pot Noodle which confused you isn`t it
Well yes considering I don't have the 'equipment' to be a potnoodler, that and am very easily confuddled
Not going to explain yourself are you
I was on about the cup of tea sat next to you in the pic
MMMMMmmmm cuppa and pot noodle... only dunkage going on their is of the gestive that was in my lap
I have to be the worlds most unphotogenic person I live in the vain hope I look a gazillion times better in person
or in the dark
Helga - you are wearing a nurses outfit, therefore indisputably well-fit.
didn't feel it at 10am Sunday morning running down a platform fit that is
I'm waiting for the worlds most cringeworthy picture to appear on Pst, and I swear down if he alters my eyes to red I'll swing for him
then again the cross eyed silly face I was pulling
I'll swing for him if he posts it full stop
I just don't do photos far better in the flesh as in person
Helga - you are wearing a nurses outfit, therefore indisputably well-fit.
Now thats what I meant
Well that went over my head had no idea what you were on about
I was trying to work out how I nobbled a pot noddle without the equipment, then how it compared to a cup of tea (hence the dunking a biscuit thing)
I blame being tired, but if I wasn't I still wouldn't have got it
I couldn`t honestly remember what I meant myself, when I did the post I`d just come back from the pub last night and was 3 parts to the wind...teach me to post when under the influence