just copied from last game so may need a quick tweak :
Face masks though we prefer players without face masks it is your face , but discreet ones, please.
Helmet / Gun cameras etc , though we have nothing against folks getting a camera out and filming a little of the game by hand or taking odd photos but we don't want any helmet/gun cameras fixed this is a big no-no.
Helmets, Boonies or Caps must be worn, when alive and can be taken off when dead.
Every player will have 2 bandages (please bring if you have )
Lunch - there will be no break it will be eaten at your HQ when your unit can come off the front line
Each side will have an HQ which can leave kit , lunch etc
Each squad will have a mobile CP point bag - that may be deployed on the ground and flag deployed to show the Cp is active. Once the Cp is active players may reload and remove bandages. If it is under fire you may NOT regen there but can still reload.
Once deployed the Cp must be left in play for a Minimum of 10 Minutes. To pack up a Cp place the flag back into the bag and pick up the bag. If you come across an Enemy Cp point you can destroy it by putting back the flag inside. This can no longer be used as a mobile Cp again until it has been taken back to an HQ
Getting Shot
• When shot, a loud call of Agrrr’ should be made and the player is considered out of game.
• When hit the player must place a ‘HAND’ in the air to show they are no longer live.
feel free to try to react to location hits for effect.
• Immediately fall to the ground and call for a Medic, If no one gets to you or all your bandages have been used you are dead.
• A shot player shouldn’t be targeted and cannot return fire until healed, UNLESS they try to crawl to safety. If you are shot whilst crawling you are KIA and must lay dead for 2 minutes before you move to a cp or hq to regen . There is no limit to how far you can crawl, however; you will bleed out in 5mins!
• Moving wounded. One man with two hands or two men with one hand each can drag a wounded soldier to safety! (Medics have their own rule)•
Any soldier can return to their HQ or a controlled CP and be fully restored to full hits (all bandages taken off)
• Dead players ‘DO NOT TALK’. Exception to use the call ‘DEAD MAN WALKING’ or ‘LINE OF FIRE’ etc
• If things are a bit hairy or you’re on your own in the middle of nowhere you make take an immediate KIA! Just put your hand in the air and call ‘DEAD MAN WALKING’ Otherwise you must stay on the ground for at least 2mins. There is NO limit to how long you stay dead in the field.
Getting back in the action
• If a live team mate can get to you they must tie one of your bandages to you wrist to make you live again. To move a wounded player, place your hand on their shoulder.
• All bandaging must be stationary and if either player is hit during the Medic or during the move, both must players are dead and after 2 minutes may head back to a CP or HQ
• No firing or any other actions while bandaging.
• A hit is anywhere on the body, if you think you've been hit, take it.
Gun hits , Shout Gun hit so players know you are not cheating and that weapon is destroyed till you are back at a CP or HQ , you may then use a side arm if you have one
Medic rule - each squad can have 1 medic , who will be issued a medic bag containing morphine sachets (yes ok they are sugar really) the medic may approach a wounded player with a bandage and apply a morphine sachet over the wound , ie sprinkle the sachet of sugar over the area and then count at a steady rate to 20, if they complete a 20 count then the medic may remove a bandage from the wounded player.
If at any point during this either are hit, they are they are both hit and wounded or KIA .
This medic action can only be done if the medic has a morphine sachet spare, hence he does not start the 20 count till he has used 1 - Medics will start with a limited amount , but there may be a squad mission to gain more.
If the medic wanted to remove 2 bandages he must do the action twice .
A medic may do this action on himself with an ally helping and counting to 20 , but again if either is hit during this action both are wounded or KIA
Explosive Pyro Affects
You can NOT run from grenades !
• Small structures 5m x5m Whole building is cleared – inside only
• Large buildings – 5m hardcover has effect including floor to floor stair wells and corridors.
• 5m away – hardcover has effect – outside only
If hit by a pyro you are wounded or if out of bandages then KIA
Only Airsoft branded pyros are allowed - no homemade pyro / booby traps etc , no remote dets unless given in game as part of a mission
Artillery strikes, 10m away, cover has no effect.
NO reloading in the field (must be a CP or HQ) or at a live ammo crate.
Standing Orders
No man goes to war alone! If you find yourself alone, you can't advance on a position or complete any tasks, you should go to ground and wait until re-enforcements arrive or fall back to your Squad flag or your HQ.
You can only leave a CP (after regen) if you have at least 1 live team mates to push off with so a squad of 2! (Hopefully they will be your squad members that have returned for you.)
Load Outs
Each style of soldier has its own loadout; the load outs are defined below. If you been given a ranked or special role you will be considered a soldier in the field! grenades refers to explosive (ie mk5s etc )
1. Combat Soldier - Loadout
can use a SMG gun/assault rifle/rifle 360fps
can carry 350rds per life including any pistol mags
can carry 3 grenades per life
2. Grenadier/Engineer- loadout (1 per squad max)
can use a SMG gun/assault rifle/ rifle 360fps
can carry 350rds per life including any pistol mags
Can carry 6 grenades per life
1. Medic - Loadout (1 per squad)
can use a SMG gun/assault rifle/rifle 360fps
can carry 350rds per life including any pistol mags
can carry 2 grenades per life
gets given a medic bag
Uniforms restrictions
we ask all participants to make as much effort as possible for these games (no modern kit!) All uniforms must be period in look see the weapons and uniform section for full info
Weapons restrictions
All weapons must be period in look see the weapons and uniform section for full info - No HPA guns
All weapons must be period Airsoft weapons;
HIGH CAP MAGS - non-MG/support
everyone is asked to make sure they only run mid caps if possible; however, some rifles aren’t released with the option. In which case, high caps are allowed just be wary of the ammo limits.
Quick recap on a few Nos!
No Helmet/Gun Cameras
No Silly Masks
No Support weapons unless told so for a mission (or its a bar with normal ammo)
No sharp stabby knives etc
No HPA guns
No Homemade pyros - branded only
No lone wolfing
and of course No being a cock
Quick recap on some yes's
Yes to following orders
Yes to staying as and operating as a squad
Yes to having fun
Yes to eating out in the field
Yes to having a base for kit
and of course no being a cock