A massive thank you to all who turned up today. I'll get some of my own snaps up later but here's a place for you all to put yours.
I know we have brought some new bodies into the game and we raised a total of £275 for Help for Heros, so thanks once again for all your support throughout the day. Well done chaps.
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A few pics!
U.S Airborne, ready for business.
On loan from the Royal Engineers.
British infantry move up on the Flak 38 as we use our esteemed U.S comrades as bait.
Frantic activity as the Flak 38 opens up.
British Airborne lay down suppressing fire with their Bren.
The event was fun, for a cracking cause and served as a great way of getting people interested in WW2 airsoft. Round of applause to the German's for putting up a spirited defence, being heavily outnumbered and out gunned. Time and again they halted wave after wave of attacks and, considering the force arrayed against them, gave a cracking account of themselves. Well done, you really gave as good as you got.
The organisers did well in keeping the battle moving along and making the best use of the site, which does create a fair few bottle necks where you're going to get the sh*t shot out of you if you're attacking. They were a nice group of people. Nice to catch up with Lutz, Gavin, BootedFeet and Stu, whilst meeting Nick, Boshman (and Gordon!)
I don't want to criticise anyone, as this event was a beginner one designed to get people into the hobby, but some of the game play from a small minority of people was perhaps not in the right spirit. Running away from grenades was pretty endemic, at least on the Allied side, whilst people were tying bandages on themselves and dead men were giving away enemy positions. That's not quite on.
Still, I had a laugh and most people seemed to enjoy it. I'd come again, which is about the best compliment I can pay.
BootedFeet is also witchcraft with a Kar98. He got me with two head shots, with a decent breeze, from a fair ol' distance.
Zero_Bravo, can we PayPal you some extra money mate? It'd be nice to get the pot to £300!
Yes you can fella, thanks for the thought, I'll keep that account clear for another week, then I need to empty it as we will be using it for ground zero weekender deposits.
Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
The event was fun, for a cracking cause and served as a great way of getting people interested in WW2 airsoft. Round of applause to the German's for putting up a spirited defence, being heavily outnumbered and out gunned. Time and again they halted wave after wave of attacks and, considering the force arrayed against them, gave a cracking account of themselves. Well done, you really gave as good as you got.
The organisers did well in keeping the battle moving along and making the best use of the site, which does create a fair few bottle necks where you're going to get the sh*t shot out of you if you're attacking. They were a nice group of people. Nice to catch up with Lutz, Gavin, BootedFeet and Stu, whilst meeting Nick, Boshman (and Gordon!)
I don't want to criticise anyone, as this event was a beginner one designed to get people into the hobby, but some of the game play from a small minority of people was perhaps not in the right spirit. Running away from grenades was pretty endemic, at least on the Allied side, whilst people were tying bandages on themselves and dead men were giving away enemy positions. That's not quite on.
Still, I had a laugh and most people seemed to enjoy it. I'd come again, which is about the best compliment I can pay.
Basically summed up my opinions of the day very well. Nice to get some new blood in the sport. Just like to say how fantastic everyone did to go the lengths to get the right kit at a look a like WW2 Event. And anyone new reading this do not feel afraid to ask to borrow kit as I managed to lend out a whole US Airborne Kit including a full set of webbing (Minus helmet - Thanks Mr Allenby ) and a BAR And still had a full set of BD's and a sten to lend out with a basic brit webbing setup.
The start of the day was a bit slow for me as having a Garand with 14 round mags vs full auto AEG's was tough going. I enjoyed the attack straight after lunch with the Arty barrage ( The Bird scarer's from Crete showed up again to good effect ) The 101st with some British allies pushed the far left flank and down a narrow corridor we managed to flush the germans out but at a heavy price. However the 2 foot path we had to walk down (in the open) to the germans dug in was a bit of a chore.
Flak gun was great nice to see it in action, only when speaking to Gavin today I realised the barrel used in the Flak Gun was the one I had given him only a few weeks before. Glad I didn't go up against it a great deal as would of been pissed off if it had hit me!
Well done Jimbo and everyone else for the great day.
My most memorable situation was when the Heer unit was ordered to hold the kill house. 4 against....a lot. Chance 0...pretty much suicide but orders are orders.
When the attack began allies were running past the open area to hide behind a little hill. We could not hit a single one. The other part started advancing behind tyres on the right. As the house has an open roof on one side i threw two grenades out behind the little hill and towards the tyres. They must have had some good effect as many allies were walking back to regen at least from the left as far as i could see.
We survived two storm attacks with help of the machine gun nest until a grenade came in the same way i had thrown them out.
I have to say due to quite a few bottle necks on the site, i have to give my compliments to the allies for their heroic storm attacks which more than once ran into a wall of fire.
Hit taking on German side was good as far as i can tell. I remember a situation where 2 of us were hidden behind a tree and defening against another storm attack. One US attacker was running past us on the right firing at us but no BBs flying out. We went down with an Arrrr probably expecting to be blastered by BBs.
Good fun and looking forward to the next fight.
Well what should I say that sounds good great bunch of lads on both sides & i'm getting to know some of them including the frightfully posh Germans the men that don't drink & those that do.
I couldn't tell the difference between the young & the old as everyone got stuck in to the game.
I'd like to say cheers to jimbo for a good game play & I think everyone must of enjoyed themselfs just as much as me.
The only thing I could say on the downside is the site was a little restricted & the field of play was a bit narrow in places & didn't run as clean & smooth as I like games to but please don't take this comment the wrong way this is just my opinion & most things I say my wife want even agree with !!
PS. Ihope everyone enjoyed the strawberries & as it was said i'll bring some cream next time (maybe).
As my first time ever doing any sort of airsoft I can honestly say I had a great day and can't wait to go more. Big thanks to Stu for the kit lend and it was also nice to get to meet some of you and put faces to names. Being ex military it was liberating to put my soldiering skills to practise and do what I was born to do without having worry about really being killed or seriously hurt.
Morey... Per Ardua...
Just got home, tired, happy, mildly miffed at myself for getting out of shape to the point I flagged seriously later in the day, but hey, you learn.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this a good day!
To the tune of "Mademoiselle from Armentières"
Napoleons army ran away, As you do
The guard stood firm for Frances Pride, As you do
They said the guard will stand and die
But we heard what their Colonel cried
It wasn't pretty I tell you.
Resistance is fertile
I certainly enjoyed today and nice to meet some new faces, it certainly sounded like most people enjoyed themselves. Hats off to the Cornwall crew for venturing up all this way. Excellent job on the flak gun boys, it was brilliant and I think most people who wanted a go on it got one. Had a great time blasting away on the bren with Dadio, but fortunately for the germans, it packed up late morning!!
Hopefully today gave some of new guys (and girls) a taster of what WW2 airsoft can be like and something they'd like to play again. Cheers Jimbo and Gordon for organising it and thanks Peter for the strawberries, very nice, just the thing after a hard days fighting!
See you next time folks
what can i say , i'm knackered ,aching ,and have a saw head from the social , other than that and two broken gun's and having to borrow a weapon from the enemy ,i had a great time ,from where i stood i saw no bad play and everybody made a real effort to make the scene with kit ,even those with look alike kit made a big effort to blend in ,a big well done to all for who this was their first WW2 airsoft event .The Germans gave a very good account of themselves despite being outnumbered ,at times they were helped by the terrain especially the assault we Allied players had to make up two narrow track's where we were made to pay a high price for every inch we gained .I'm very glad the Flak 38 was so well received and had ample thank's from all those who enjoyed using it ,now i just have to summon the energy to unpack it from my car and put it into storage until the next one .Also a big thank you to the new owners of the site for being great hosts (even if they try'd to flame grill us at the social) and to Jimbo who planned and ran the event a big thank you as well and all for the great cause of "HELP FOR HERO'S ".
hope to see you all soon at the next one and i'll post some pictures soon .
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Ok just unpacked but ache all over.
First up big thankyou to Jimbo and the new site owners for making us very welcome.
So the game was an introduction to WW2 airsoft and to try and get some new fresh blood on the scene. 48 people in attendance which by any standard of game is a very good start.
the kit was impressive even on the WW2 virgins which was in part due to the generosity of seasoned campaigners lending kit out and in some cases completely kitting someone out from head to toe including weapon, so well done.
the day was a hard fort affair with us Germans outnumbered pulling back all the time but hey we didn`t care they came on in the same old fashion so we saw them off in the same old way, apart from once they had captured the Flak 38 and turned it on us and really ripped into the copse we were in.
Best bits See in the Flak gun in action after the work that Dadio and myself put in it was really worth it to hear comments from Americans "Get out of the way I want to use it" Large grin on face before he lit rip a mag until he put a shot up the rear end of one of his own at point blank range. Also the effort from people to attend especially the 4 New people from Cornwall RESPECT
Bad bits. Well it was always billed as an introduction to WW2 some people get it some don`t. Only a couple didn`t get into the spirit of it but and caused a few frowns from the seasoned among us but we are trying to turn people from Call of duty and that ain`t gonna happen overnight, hey if we get half a dozen new people who do get it then job done.
All in all a well attended event with a definite goal of introducing people to our era to have fun and come again. I hope Jimbo succeeded on all fronts.
Photos to follow.
Nearly forgot a Big thank you to our comrade who dished out probably the best Strawberrys I have ever eaten
Some pics of Down time at lunch
Please can I say you guys don't have to thank me for any thing this is just me & the way I roll.
I'm not looking for any favours from anyone nore do I ask the Germans not to shoot me but I do think that some fresh juicy fruit to eat after a day of running around sweating your bollixs off is the best.
All the time I can get good fresh juicy strawberries or any fruit that is in season then I will be bringing it with me & as you all get to know me i'm the most laidback guy you could get to know & at the end of the day I don't lose out as I get the fruit I bring as my cotchal (free part of the job perks)
Please don't take my comments to heart as some times i'm just trying to be humorous which is the way I am so please don't be affended.
Just one more thing I hope to see most of you at the next ww11 event I attend but until then YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY YOUR OWN BLOODY FRUIT !!
Everything seemed to go wrong for me. On my trip down I had all my kit and camping gear strapped to a bike and the tyre exploded when changing trains at Southampton leaving me with a bit of a walk pushing my crippled bike from Ford Station. I broke my pipe on the Saturday morning. I lost an Ohshiboom BFG during the game. My trip home was made hellish by engineering works at Southampton with a rail replacement bus (which would not have allowed me to take my bike) and a total lack of any station staff anywhere who could offer alternative options. I took a gamble and went to Portsmouth instead where I managed to get a train to Bristol which was unaffected.
Totally worth it!
I have never had as much fun from an airsoft game. The unusual nature of the battlefield balanced the game so that the outnumbered Germans were always in good defensive positions funnelling the allies into tight killzones.
Damn good job done by everyone who organised this game.
Cracking day loved every minute of it, great to see so many people turn up and huge thanks to Jimbo for organising it. Kits all cleaned and packed away now and have been applying after sun all day after my family pointed out/laughed at my face and right hand when i got home
Was a great day, could have done with less suicide charges but they got the job done occasionly so all good.
Hi everyone!
I had an excellent time over the weekend - great atmosphere, great weather and lovely strawberries! Thought I'd join the forum, since I want to come to more games
Hope you can tell who I am from the username that I picked
"Freedom is the only thing worth living for. While I was doing that work, I used to think it didn't matter if I died, because without freedom there was no point in living" - Nancy Wake
http://s1120.photobucket.com/user/veill ... t=9&page=1
Pictures from the young lady who was wondering around with the camera.
Pictures from the young lady who was wondering around with the camera.
Some great pics in there. Thanks for sharing.