well, to me he has. see it how you want to see it, my great uncles a vet of the 7th armoured division and he would take no offence to it, his view is as good as any others so i have no problem.
Now a 'namsofter. I have an M72 L.A.W. for sale for 110 posted, PM if interested.
also, to my recolection you werent even there, so if you have a problem with it whats the point getting involved?
Now a 'namsofter. I have an M72 L.A.W. for sale for 110 posted, PM if interested.
Because it sets a precedent and I know some who were there do care.
Anyway enough is enough. I think if need be the whole moderator team will back up the rule about there should be a restriction on which medal ribbons can be used in the sigs.
I haven't laid the law down, but will if pushed.
Just leave it be. End of discussion.
your the one getting all upset by the looks of things. wear what you like. not really that big an issue to me, just make a mental note that some people (me NOT amongst them ) dont like it. be prepared to defend your decition if an angry 80 year old vet demands an explanation. it could happen.
this isnt about gulch weekend as far as i am aware, i wasnt at inkerman in 1865 either but i think one of the ribbons us under my name
. this is about not upsetting those with a right to wear there ribbons.
Not generally, but for some putting together a 'drinking uniform' - or class A - it is rather fun to have the ribbon bars related to the game's you have played.
I think it may only be me so far who has them on a dress uniform.
Just put them on last night
In the Pocket, Autumn Mist, Op. Lightning, Die Glocke
(I'm waiting on my 'carbine' tab to arrive so that then it's complete)
And I know what a lot of people say about the people who do that as well. I'd rather not be on the receiving end thanks.
Indeed, one reason we do glider troops. Only one member of PBI to my knowledge has the right to wear jump wings.
I *may* or may not sew a parachute badge on my BD after i do my jumps this year but I'd never wear or awards for valour or hard won achievement unless portraying a particular named person.
Always safer to portray 'dead' cap badges and ancient awards than belittle the real heros achievements.
The usual rule in most circles is that qualifications and similar (AT, Driver, Instructor) is acceptable when a required part of an impression and or *impossible* to attain these days (you find me an assault glider that's serviceable and running a flight and i'll drop in it!) .
Awards and quals and elite unit stuff for units still about is a bit iffy (why PBI do only units that no longer exist)..
Bravery and valour awards are out of order.. its actually illegal in the US too.. under their 'stolen valor' laws.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Seeing as i started all of the medal ribbons, i hope i can chuck my oar in here.
The idea of these was a bit of fun, to show people what games they'd been to, and that was all.
However, I specifically chose pre-1900 Campaign medal ribbons (as opposed to awards for valour) that were from so long in the past that if people ever did choose to wear them, it would be unlikely to cause offense as there was no one alive to who had earned them.
In my personal opinion, awards for valour, and even campaign ribbons that are still wearable by living veterans are out of order.
This is mainly out of respect for the people who fought for these awards, who i'd be absolutely mortified if i, or by association with, anyone who wore these ribbons were to cause personal offence to them.
As regards combat awards worn, specifically on German uniforms, effectively these are also 'dead' awards, as they haven't been issued since '45, and it's actually illegal for veterans to wear them if you're a German, hence the 'de-nazified' post war versions, which are effectively different medals.
So, just as a final note, as the originator of this system, i'd appreciate it if people only used pre-1900 campaign ribbons, and not awards for valour, or medals that can still be worn by veterans. Anything other than that is lazy at best, and potentially offensive at worst.
"We want to get the hell over there. The quicker we clean up this Goddamned mess, the quicker we can take a little jaunt against the purple pissing Japs and clean out their nest, too. Before the Goddamned Marines get all of the credit."
As i said its being changed. I wasn't aware of such rules regarding colours...
cheers biguk for doing the ribbon
"We want to get the hell over there. The quicker we clean up this Goddamned mess, the quicker we can take a little jaunt against the purple pissing Japs and clean out their nest, too. Before the Goddamned Marines get all of the credit."
Erm, I think you'll find thats Yiths (or another mods) call TBH...
Reasoned debate is fine, personally from a Mods point of view I'd have said that the orginators wishes (i.e diesel monkey) were stated and that should end it if anything... be rude otherwise.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
For everyones's information its now a modern ribbon for services in AWACS. I cant upload it to photobucket at work. So it will have to be later.
Can you not find a pre 1900 one? The whole point is for it to be a ribbon not worn by anyone living...
Incidentally I've awarded myself the order of the big walt
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Im not changing it again...It's a non galantry/valour award, which is what was asked of me...I dont have the time to keep messing around with this at work.
Good grief, it's not hard to find an old one.
See http://www.worldmedals.co.uk/Rib/Britrib/britribb.htm
Choose any from the Campaign Medals 1793 - 1939 section. Preferably as early as possible. That's where dieselmonkey got his from originally.
And Big UK... don't worry. I'll do it for you.
That's the site I found in the time it took to type 'medal ribbon' into google.
Okay done.
It's the South Afica 1853 Medal.
Thread now locked and initial post edited.