Since AEG versions of WW2 German mg's are extremely rare and ridiculously expensive, I've decided and you'll probably think I'm bonkers, to order a cushman MG34 or MG42. Even if I only end up using them for measurements for a metal one or as a base to put metal parts over, it's better than nothing and I can't justify buying a de-ac in this case just to use it for measurements. The lack of MG's is what's stopping us from employing real German tactics, as the squad worked around the machine gun.
I know the cushmans are crap but I've seen what the guy on the US forum has done with a cushman BAR and it's got my creative juices flowing. My PPSH is all but done, so I'm going to give it a go. Wish me luck!
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
Rather than a sh*te cushman why not get a full metal mg34/42 from here ... ID=4200774, £295 for a mg34 £370 for a mg42 ok not as cheap as a cushman but a lot more realistic and possibly convertable
Rather than a sh*te cushman why not get a full metal mg34/42 from here ... ID=4200774, £295 for a mg34 £370 for a mg42 ok not as cheap as a cushman but a lot more realistic and possibly convertable
The problem with ZIBs replicas is that they are full solid metal . I know at least one person has had a look at them ...a feck lot of machining and the barrel would also have to be scratch built as it's solid to the reciever. Could be good to measure up from, but as a base to build an AEG I think there are easier ways . You could always use it for resin moulds of course.
This is the description of the MG42;
German MG42 from WWII. 1:1 Reproduction made from metal/wood with moving part.
Detailed like the original, 24 lbs weight, Bipod is original MG, Trigger is moveable and barrel can be removed from frame.
Suggests that it's at least partially stripable.
You sure like a challenge Pete!
Have you given any though to what gearbox you would use? I used to have a Shoei MG42 and thought about converting it to aeg on many ocassions. In the end I bottled out of destroying a grands worth of gun! The MG42 is tricky as the reciever is just not tall enough to take any of the usual suspects. I concluded that the best bet would be a to use a G36 or AK47 gearbox (the G36 is slightly preferable as it has a smaller motor frame) and then fabricate a new pistol grip to go around it. the angle of the AK motor is not exactly the same as the orignial 42 grip but is is close enough.
Best of luck mate, look forward to seeing this one progress.
“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942
"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942
I'll be interested in seeing those pics when you get them if you don't mind Heide. I've had an MG34 project planned for a while now but never knew about these ZIB replicas. If they're convertable I might be able to get things off the ground.
I'll be interested in seeing those pics when you get them if you don't mind Heide. I've had an MG34 project planned for a while now but never knew about these ZIB replicas. If they're convertable I might be able to get things off the ground.
No worries. Us Germans need to stick together!
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
Hello Guys, here is me again, sorry to enter this thraed too, but, Heiko (the owner of ZIB) is my businesspartner since a while, the MG 34 is from Sturm, this one is full metall, I have one here in my house, I also have 2 of those MG42, they are good, they are NOT full metall, they are very good for us, because a lot of space to put a Gearbox in etc., I have one buyed to convert it in to a GAS firing one, for Reenactment and one I will construct with Oscha into a Airsoftone, it is realy good made, comes with a lot small nice things and I can try to press down the price for you guys. I will try a.s.a.p. to post Fotos of it. But it is a cheap and perfect weaponreplica to bulid a Airsoftweapon. But forgett the MG34, it is aluminium full struck, forgett it. AND SOME SECRET: I know, that Heiko haves still 2 plastic bodies of a MG34 and a MG42 in his stock, they are only bodies nothing inside etc, right size, right space, just for your info.....
Ehre, Treue Vaterland!!! "NON SOLI CEDIT"
That's great news Peter, I'll have to save up for the MG42 now! I could have started something here!
At some point this year, I'm going to clear my garage out properly and install some work surfaces, so I can have a few guns on the go at once. I'll invest in some more heavy duty tools while I'm at it as well!
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
I bought one of the full-metal repro MG34's in last year with a view to digging it out and dropping an AEG gearbox into it. Could it be done? Yes - but VERY close run thing. I'm lucky, with the Senior and the Colchester, I could do it - but I don't want to even *think* how long the machining would have taken, so I canned the idea and flogged it on.
Regarding the full-metal repro MG42's the gearbox is going to have to be a version 3. The receiver simply isn't tall enough for a Version 6 or one of the M249 'boxes. The bonus of having a "regular" gearbox inside it will be that there is enough space to fit the battery behind it in the receiver if you go to LiPo packs - unlike the way Ultima do it.
When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........
Yes thanks for the pics. It looks like theres the space for a gearbox but the join between the barrel & receiver looks problematic.
It's nothing that can't be sorted out without a plate and a MIG welder. Looks like a 2kg weight bar spot welded inside the receiver as well - nothing an angle grinder can't take care of.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
It haves the f..... real weight now, but it is cool at all. It can be fixed on every bipod or lafettes for the MG42, all fits. realy perfect and if you put a deco ammo in it, great. So if somebody wants it, let me know, I dont know what is Heikos Preis officialy. may I can save a few bucks for you, because the shipping will not be cheap too. I can get them from him, thrue PayPal we could handle this, only we must include the fees and I send instandly the cash forward to him, so we have to work it out, if it will be hot case... I am here and will do my best to help you with this.
Ehre, Treue Vaterland!!! "NON SOLI CEDIT"
I've been getting the parts (gearbox, etc) ready for the conversion and plan to order a Zib MG42 within the next 2 weeks. So, no need to send yours Peter, although it's a very generous offer! If I'm REALLY lucky, it may be ready for the Bryansk game in May.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
Ok, just do not forgett, that I can try to get a good price from Heiko for you, I have seen that he offers PayPal to, so I could fix a special price and you can finish the deal directly, I am very curious about how you will get it converted.
Ehre, Treue Vaterland!!! "NON SOLI CEDIT"
Ok, just do not forgett, that I can try to get a good price from Heiko for you, I have seen that he offers PayPal to, so I could fix a special price and you can finish the deal directly, I am very curious about how you will get it converted.
That's very good of you, if you can let me know how much he will do a deal on a '42 and a couple of ammo drums, that would be great. I have my UKARA paperwork and have the money burning a hole in my pocket right now!
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
Hi guys, this is Heiko form (also I just registered ).
I saw you talking here about my MG are correct that my MG34 is solid metal + aluminium and it is not suitbale to be adapted to a Paintball or Airsoft MG. The MG42 is made from steel (meets 100% 12 Kg as the original) and it is made in handwork - a very nice model! Its receiver is hollow from the inside (outside is steel frame) and it is more than suitable to be rendered to an softair/paintball-MG.
Just for info - hope you understand my english. Regards from Hamburg, Heiko
PS: I ordered cushmans MG34 and MG42 to check quality in 2007 - They are just lightweight plastic/foam, totally unstable...and look like pieces of Scheiße
Work on the MG's has stalled for the time being. As much as it pains me to reluctantly give someone negative comments, JD7 and I ordered what we believed was a package deal of 2 MG's, 2 ammo drums and 2 slings from Heiko for a price negotiated for us by Peter. Unfortunately, all we received was the 2 MG's at what worked out at full price. Naturally, we're very disappointed.
So, if anyone can tell me where I can pick up a couple of MG42 postwar ammo drums, I'd be grateful for your help. I can't continue with the conversions without an ammo feed system. All of the other bits (gearbox, barrel, hop, etc) are ready to go and it would be nice to see some proper support weapons in the upcoming games.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
The gearbox is now fitted and I'm awaiting the arrival of a barrel and hop parts, so not making bad progress and it will definitely be up and running by Husky.
As soon as I get another digicam, I'll get some photos posted.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!