Cut down Swedish tu...
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Cut down Swedish tunic

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I recently bought a 1944 Swedish tunic cheap off Ebay. I thought I'd have a go at chopping it down to wear under my camo smock in the summer. Just finished it yesterday, the stitching is pretty agricultural but it does the trick. Had to chop the collar up a bit to get it the right shape, and I put a couple of old post war pebble buttons at the top where you can see it under the smock. Certainly a lot cooler than wearing a whole tunic underneath.-- attachment is not available --

Posted : 08/05/2011 6:12 pm
Hänschen klein
Posts: 3604
Famed Member

Good job passed this idea onto a mate last year and it works a treat

Posted : 08/05/2011 6:32 pm
Joseph Porta
Posts: 4105
Famed Member

ive done the same with my shirt, but never thought to do it to a tunic, good idea

"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison

Posted : 18/05/2011 10:07 am
dog green 1
Posts: 473
Reputable Member

This is what is commonly refered to as a "Dickie" There is some dispute as to wether this was actually carried out in the field, the main reason being you were issued one tunic and expected to look after it. However a Das Reich vetran at an event did say himself and others did make such items to wear under thier smocks. When it comes from the horses mouth thats good enough for me :wink:

Posted : 07/08/2011 3:09 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member


Didn't the Dutch, German, Swiss armies, and others, have winter and Summer uniforms, as well as feldbluse/Waffenrock ?

Not sure if these would be issue, or private purchase, but cotton twill copies of trousers/jodhs and tunics , without lining, and usually with metal air holes under arms.

The S.S had a penchant for herringbone pattern grey-green material.

Posted : 15/05/2013 3:14 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

The Germans were issued with HBTs from 42, although they had been utilising the work uniform earlier.

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 15/05/2013 9:40 pm