Hey guys,
Im in the middle of stripping my S&S M1/M14 garand down and doing some upgrades to it. I have a tightbore inner barrel that im having difficulty in sliding into the outer barrel.
From what i can see. When warren was doing the initial conversion, he had to drill 2 extra holes into the outer barrel for the extra parts to be attached..This has left some burrs on the inside about half way down. These are obstructing the barrel from sliding down inside. I can possibly force the barrel through. Doing so would result in it not being retrived, if something was to go wrong at a later date. Funny as the AGM standard barrel has no problem so it must be skinnier.
Does anyone have any good idea's on how to get rid of those burrs..bearing in mind the lenth of the outer barrel.
Does anyone have any suggestions as im looking to sort it this afternoon.
very thin files, like the ones you get from games workshop. one of them should be thin enough to go down the barrel. You will nwwe to attach one to something rigid.
I was thinking similar thought. But attaching some sand paper (for metal) to a stick or rod and slowly using that to grind down the burrs. But i was wondering if anyone had anymore genius idea's.
use a steel rod and tack weld a small round file to the end,i have one here 2 foot long very handy
CO Easy Company,506th PIR,101st Airborne