Hopefully, will have two rifles ready for the September game,
The one in forefront, is with any luck, turn out to look like a Carcano model 38, the "President killer".
2 questions.
1. Where did you get the round bolt handles?
2. How did you solve the issue re the VSR10 safety?
Trying to figure these at the moment
Wow. These look great. I hope to have a few ready myself.
The smile, is a diy kit from S&S, so came with an already made charging handle, the Carcano is still at the moment a filed down vsr handle. But I am making a steel one,
Good old empty co2 cartridges! As for the safety catch.........what safety catch! Keep your finger off the trigger!
Great idea re the CO2 bulbs.
I think you misunderstand re the safety. What I meant was is there anything specific I need to think about in terms of leaving them out/taking them out? Does it present any difficulties or can I just remove the switch and leave it at that?
I didn't misunderstand, just my joking, I don't bother fitting the safety catches, unless it's easy to do so. I have in the past found them to be a nuisance, So now I never use them anyway!
Most uprated trigger boxes don't have them either, which I get round to fitting when the original goes pop.
If you just remove the switch button, that's fine, no problems. I have on some taken the trigger box apart and remove the complete safety gubbins.
A little bit more done to The Carcano,
Where did you source the outer barrels from?
Mild steel tube 16 MM, is either from wickes the builders, or from eBay . I use one in between too, which is about 12mm , the inner slides through this easy, (I will check sizes for you.) I leave a 25mm end to the original outer barrel, space out with ally tube to make up size drill through, to touch second inner, tap out to 4mm in 3 places around the outer, this clamps altogether nicely.
Will put up pic later.
Cheers Andy. My Kar98k stock just arrived from Zib so keen to make a start
It was definitely 16 mm , and 12 mm as in between Barrel, here's a pic
You don't have to do it that way of course, anyway you think fit, I do it that way because saves all bits and pieces everywhere, all in one unit. I will be doing some Kar98's myself and making the stocks, if you're using an original stock, the top hand grip wood piece will become very thin to make it fit. You might have to think of another way of outer barrel length at that point.
I'm also making some charging handles, had some collars made up as start point.
On the home stretch for the Carcano,
Hi Andy, very nice work. I see your making some K98's. I've starting stratch building one myself using your softwood stock technique, which is certainly easier to work than the lump of ash I used making my MP28 stock. Quick question. I read you use the Cyma 702 as it has a fixed magwell. I was going to use a 701 as a donor. Do you know which of the 2 have the shallower depth when fitted in the stock, or are they both the same? The reason I ask is, that on the scale drawing I knocked up, the k98 stock looks quite shallow. I have left extra depth on the stock as it's just rough cut and will need adjusting once I get the gun. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Hi Razor,
The 702 is the deeper of the two, that's why I adjusted the stock to be a bit deeper when making the Springfield, the 701 is much more adaptable, but you will have to make a trigger guard and bottom mag plate.
I cut out depth first to fit in the breech/ receiver, then adjust accordingly the depth of stock, of course this may not come out to excact size, but the difference is minimal. Plus the top wood is also adjustable to make to size, no wafer thin woodwork! A few millimetres thicker does not distract.
I'm using 701's or mb03's to make my kar's they are both the same, and you can get every upgrade you need for these.
Thanks for the quick reply. 701 it is then. I'll order it today from gunfire.pl, they are £75 at the moment.
By the way, if you do make up some k98 charging handles, I'll have one off you.
Cheers Nick