Can a Admin contact me please
Jackboots paid for
Tunic and shirt still available
Bump- now £45
I've pm'ed him several times as had the cash awaiting him sending me his PayPal which I haven't had replies to
There's the shirt and smock rifleman I'll pm u-- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available --
Second pm sent pls reply thanks
Hi I'm now a mg42 owner but want to downgrade any chance of a photo guide to how the qd spring works on it or have I got to completely strip down ?
Pmed re the mp44 pouches and kar 98 pouch
im up for this but can anyone help out with a lift from Essex at all pls ? cheers Jo
I've got the review model used by popular airsoft in their review I'm planning to fully test it next week here's a pic of it-- attachment is not avail...
ill take the inner barrel and hop unit pls pm"ed
Great news !!!! cheers raffles
Any updates on these raffles ?