Noble Member
Joined: May 28, 2007
Topics: 145 / Replies: 1930
Re: Boryszyn Loop places for sale.

I missed this totally, having been away from the site for a few months. And I'm gutted. I'm planning to sell my entire US kit in Jan, and have priced...

15 years ago
Re: ESCAPE & EVADE please could everybody reply

I'm in, date dependant (unless it's well in advance, then I'm down for whatever). Well up for it.

15 years ago
Re: Booking Gossip Thread

I fancy this as U.S. Infantry. Is the location of the game a mystery?

15 years ago
Re: The Lifts Thread

On the off chance that someone's coming from the frozen wastes of Jockland? Thought not. I can get to Notts-ish, Del?

15 years ago
Re: Two stage guns.. a solution.

Cool, look forward to that. I'm looking into getting kitted up already... I'll have the one in the front-middle, and the dark-haired one at th...

15 years ago
Re: Look what i found down the road....

I'd love to get photos taken in that in my 29th Inf kit!

15 years ago
Re: Important - date change!

Should be able to make this now, can get time off. As long as there's a place...

15 years ago
Re: Bolt actions and high fps, discuss..

I would have thought that both common sense and the #1 CiA rule would mean that anyone over 350fps would carry a sidearm, if not out of courtesy for t...

15 years ago
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