Last seen: Jan 24, 2022
And trailer for the film about this event: ... kbk0h00410
First albums with pictures from the event are online:
If you need them just order them to my address. I ordered 30 pieces for my little mortar.
I am recruiting old and young, everybody! HJ, Volkssturm, Naval batteries personnel, kitchen staff. And you'll meet my shiny new kar98 and my granatwe...
Out of nowhere snow wolf kar98 springer rifle is coming out. It looks like another Tanaka clon like s&t, so I presume it's practicaly the same rif...
Hello Vanja! Nice to have you here.
Yes, I am attending as is my team (ASK Predator). We are also coming on Thursday and hopefully we'll drink more then one drink but less then last year...
Any chance you are one of the brits who are coming to Kelly's heroes 2 event in Croatia?
TAG rounds that are allowed are: smoke (Velum) and sound (Archangel).
As I understand the organizers of this event will post more information about the event on Monday. As I heard, friday engagement will be outside Vizin...
I am sure some of us will order TAG projectiles from I know I probably will. But even in the unlikely scenario nobody orders, you can alwa...
Kelly's Heroes 2 rulebook (unfinished) These are unfinished rules of engagement for this event. I'll upload any changes as they are made. You are fre...
So I guess date was not 99% final. Final and confirmed date: 11th, 12th,13th and 14th of October. Place: Vizinada, Croatia. We can expect even nic...
Date is 99% final but I think today is the final meeting with the mayor. I'll keep you informed.
Fantastic. We are just beautifying german mortar Granatwerfer 203(f) that will use same TAG rounds and guys in ASK Mutila are building something as we...
It was shown in Iwa show in Germany and it is indeed gas not springer.
Ryanair flies only from London Stansted as I understand it.