Out of nowhere snow wolf kar98 springer rifle is coming out. It looks like another Tanaka clon like s&t, so I presume it's practicaly the same rifle as s&t. Is it possible that after all these years of waiting we are getting two springer kar98 rifles?!
My armory: MG42, MP40, StG44, G43, M38A, P08, P38, Mauser C96, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Colt 1911, Webley Mark VI, Sten Mark II.
Now with a real wood stock.... https://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p40260/Snow-Wolf-Kar98K-Bolt-Action-Air-cocking-Sniper-Rifle(Real-Wood)/product_info.html
The plastic stock version looks to be in stock at tiger111 for £82 + postage and customs charges.... [link]https://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/product_info.php?currency=GBP&products_id=40259&osCsid=51f3d1ff12eddcdde25e546a26a82ed1[/link]
I bought one of these and have just had a few shots in the back garden with 0.25 ammo.
Beautiful rifle, after adjusting the hop slightly, it shoots straight as a die out of the box.
If only this had been available ten years ago.
From the manual....
Snow wolf seems to be a kind of shadow brand of S+T, most probably the same parts assembled (badly) in a different factory,In my opinion Snow wolf are worse than S+T, and a tainted brand for me after bad experience.
Many S+T guns are illegal Chinese copies of Ares designs (who did'nt have the power to stop the cloning) And Ares guns themselves although innovative are not highly regarded very often, and spares are very difficult to get last I heard but that was some time ago,unlike other brands like KWA,ICS and Krytac