Last seen: Jul 5, 2022
Cheers Bart. I saw a bit on the tele about that WW1 colourised film. It's been done by Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) to commemorate the end of th...
Another go, this time colouring the whole background. -- attachment is not available -- Men of No 3 Platoon, R Company, 1st Parachute Battalion, 1st...
Here's the 100% scale pdfs for reference. Hope they're of some use. -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available --
Hi, I don't know if this might help if your intending to make an MG34. I made one a few years back. Here's the thread on the build. unfortunately a lo...
Excellent pics, Crowley, as usual.
Thoroughly enjoyed the game. As mentioned the gameplay was great, much more tactical play than usual which showed the importance of having good squad ...
Got my gear sorted out. Really looking forward to the game tomorrow, never played a rifle game before. Hope my rifle lasts the day. See you tomorrow c...
I just had a look online to see what a Mk1 sten looks like. Very nice, looking good.
Filed a bit more out of the mag well in the stock, so the mag is now flat on the barrel assembly. Glued a 3mm piece of ply on the bottom of the mag wh...
Finally finished the K98. I gave it 2 coats of different dyes to get it a bit reddish. Left it for 3 days to dry properly and waxed it with some dark ...
Done a bit more this week. Made the rear sight. I used an original k98 range blade and then made the rest out of 2mm ali sheet JB welded together. Pre...
A few more pics ( a bit blurry, the light was going) -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not availab...
I've done some more over the last couple of weeks. Finished the barrel and front sight. Made up the bayonet bracket and fitted a cut down K98 cleaning...
Working off the scale drawings, the disc measured around 28mm. The roofing washer is 29mm, so I hope it's close enough!
Been doing a bit more to my scratch- built lookalike K98. Once I'd cut and sanded down the softwood stock, I routed out the breech and barrel cuts. I...
Thanks G, payment received.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make the game this weekend. Real life intrudes! If anyone wants my fully paid Saturday place for £15, pm me...
Payment sent.