At present on the Official Scale of Excitment as defined by British Standards I am 7 out of 10.
Updates will be given - Is anyone else registering yet?
LOOK! I ham now four meggle man!
im deffinatly an 8
mind you i always get excited far to early , or so my wife tells me
what have i said
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
It takes a lot to get me excited and the thought of having to entertain 50 people always limits pre-event excitement. In fact my throbbing head is so full of anticipating and solving problems my excitement factor is about 1/10 at the moment! This will start to rise once the event is under way and the blood is pumping then flops at the end of the day when someone moans about something and I get deflated. Actually, I think my excitement peaks prematurely six months prior to the event when ideas and planning juices start flowing - I've already played this event many times in my head so in a sense the event itself is an anti-climax!
But enough of the innuendo - over 50 years of birthdays and Christmas's has taught me not to get excited in anticipation, expect nothing and anything else is a bonus.
Borysyzn has the makings of being a cracker though!
Lighten up, Chommers - it's officially 8.2 on the excitementometer! I've worked out my belt order dependent on two different weapons, and started packing phase one.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
Hmmm, this one's a bit of a toughie for us organisers. Looking forward to getting into it, but it's a bit of a faff to get there!
Not quite as dour about is as Chommers is, but have lots of stuff to think about.
LOL, don't worry chaps, I'm always like this! I'm a bit of a control freak and aim for perfection hence, inevitably, always disappointed. Steiner's right - I should lighten up!
2 out of 10 for me at the mo. Kit to sort, college exam on friday, shitload of work that needs to be done by the end of this weekend, few things to sort out with t'lass.
Don't have the time to get excited till next week
When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........
How terminally sad. As a result of this thread I am now at a miserable 4.2
In fact I may sell my place.....
No - I may GIVE IT AWAY..........
Never have my exuberant impulses been more cruelly dashed....... I am crestfallen, crushed and depleted.
I haven't quite got to the packing/charging batteries stage and I haven't a clue what I'm gonna wear dahlings but Me and the Stigster (and von Mauer if he blags a late place) will be there........ Sod the misanthropes...... Get high peoples........
LOOK! I ham now four meggle man!
How terminally sad.
That's the thing - it isn't terminal. From my POV things can only get better!
Am I looking forward to this event? Yup, you bet your life. Do I have high hopes for its success? Certainly. Am I confident everything possible has been done to make the most of the site and scenario? Indeedy-doody. Do I hope players are getting excited? They bloody well should be - a stunning location, a cracking scenario, a tough battle plan and some hard graft required on all sides and not a walk in the park. Just like a CiA event should be...
So come on players, rise to the occasion and come Sunday 24th get me really excited (but not in a
It takes a lot to get me excited
and the thought of having to entertain 50 people always limits pre-event excitement. In fact my throbbing head is so full of anticipating and solving problems my excitement factor is about 1/10 at the moment! This will start to rise once the event is under way and the blood is pumping then flops at the end of the day when someone moans about something and I get deflated. Actually, I think my excitement peaks prematurely six months prior to the event when ideas and planning juices start flowing - I've already played this event many times in my head so in a sense the event itself is an anti-climax!
But enough of the innuendo - over 50 years of birthdays and Christmas's has taught me not to get excited in anticipation, expect nothing and anything else is a bonus.
Borysyzn has the makings of being a cracker though!
I think you could have got a *little* bit more inuendo in there CW.
I'm a solid 8/10 now that the Nagant is finished
I'm pretty damn excited...
About all I can do all day is look at Ruskie uniforms trying to work everything out. lol.
I'm excited
CQB in dark tunnels always makes me cack myself so I'm doubly excited
I'm excited
CQB in dark tunnels always makes me cack myself so I'm doubly excited
I see your CQB and I raise you CQC, I got more knife kills than gun kills at Die Glocke
I'm excited
CQB in dark tunnels always makes me cack myself so I'm doubly excited
I see your CQB and I raise you CQC, I got more knife kills than gun kills at Die Glocke
Yes, well, there won't be much opportunity to go off and do your own thing on this one. The Soviets will be tightly controlled using traditional methods. Don't be surprised to find fire coming from unexpected directions should you flout the orders of your superiors.....
If one of you Sovietski officers can film it, whilst the other pulls the trigger and mows everyone down, that'd be great!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
WHat year was the Russian Revolution?! lol
I think the Comrade Colonel would likely be the one to find himself on a charge should he decide to open fire upon his own men in such a cowardly manner at such a stage in the war. Such actions may have been tolerated during the dark days defending the motherland but against the illustrious 11th Guards leading the charge on the vipers nest it is a different matter.
Excitometer at about 7 for me due to order issues.
Front of Russia order missing. My shinel missing. Too many bills and not enough work... but still an 8 out of 10 for me.
I'm gonna suffer plastic death for mother Russia. Yay?
WHat year was the Russian Revolution?! lol
1917, and it led to the creation of the Soviet Union......your point is?
Unless I get confirmation that Comrade Headshot is going to be at the back toting a Maxim on wheels, I'm not coming!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier