Honorable Member
Joined: Sep 28, 2007
Topics: 40 / Replies: 492
Re: Most Memorable Moments

1) I too found the sink bracket in the bog - so 3-0 to the bracket! 2) Stalking a tunnel (light discipline is essential in them) in the complete dar...

13 years ago
Re: Opinions Of the game. (Dont post untill after event ple

Taken a week to reply as been dreadfully busy and occupied with all sorts - just come back from a three day show doing pyro - I did Boryzsyn - Loved...

13 years ago
Re: Snow Wolf Thompson

Anyone know anything about the Snow wolf Thompson. Seen it for the first time on a list of items available fom Honk Kong, is it the same as the Cyma v...

14 years ago
Re: AFRA members

Ah the power of Google - I'm not real bright but I can lift heavy things! So you'll do well with the Australian Furniture Removals Association.

14 years ago
Re: WW2 Normandy Battle - Cerisy forest D+3 16/17 July

Thanks for "holding the fort" as it were Chommers! Choms is indeed correct. Any person holding an event should have in place insurances su...

14 years ago
Re: Reenactor trying somthing new

It would be like going to a 15 year-old's fancy dress party to get an idea of what re-enacting is all about I have to take exception with this - Yo...

14 years ago
Re: correct way to hold an MP 40?

Real Steel: An MP40 was designed to be fired with the supporting hand gripping the bulge on the bakelite furniture just behind the magazine housing. I...

14 years ago
Re: where can i get an mp44 sling ?

MP40 had a dedicated sling. K98 used a standard rifle sling which all subsequent German rifles used. (MP44 G41 G43) Good repros are available from suc...

14 years ago
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