Is there a nearest postcode to site ??
As there appears to be 23% (100) players near or in the midlands....please book on to the Kettering game in December 2019. 14 th on a brilliant site. Let’s start making this work for us, use it or lose it guys. Hope to see you there
I would really liked to have attended this, but I’m booked on an SIA course until the Sunday, can’t re- book as this is the last one near me to do this year. So good luck, hope all goes well
I'd love to come down and join the Germans, I've got an ss british free Corp uniform I could wear who were attached to the 1st ss at the end of the war if a little out of time is overlooked.... would need a ride from sutton coldfield near Birmingham if that's possible? Would be much appreciated
"We've defeated the wrong enemy - Gen, George. S Patton''
Will we be operating from fixed bases Seg? Just so I know if I need to bring a ruck out into the field
Game overview
German forces will advance westward to destroy allied resistence points and capture the HQ and all important supply depot.
Allied forces will be defending and resisting.
Germans will have one admin point to start with and can move that with supplies to any position captured.
Germans need to be mobile.
We will have a lunch stand down to regroup.
I shall be on site from 0800.
Please use the map link provided.
Briefing at 0930
We will finish by 1600
Weather looks dry
See you all saturday. I'll provide orders and maps on the day