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Travelling from Mainland Europe

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Posts: 914
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Had a group of guys express interest at attending events and they are travelling from Sweden. They have asked if we know what the rules guidelines are for bringing their own guns with them and as I don't have the foggiest I would ask the collective on here if anybody knows so I can relay back to them.

Preferably would like the concise information and not what people who don't definitely know think it is! As don't want to pass on bad advice and get people's weapons confiscated or in any trouble with any authorities.

Cheers for your help guys :good:

Posted : 03/03/2015 1:34 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin

Have a search on this forum - definitive advice is somewhere, including UK department to write to get documents. Follow procedures and it is simple enough to bring in and take out kit, the difficult bit is finding the transport that allows it.

Posted : 03/03/2015 2:09 pm
Posts: 551
Honorable Member

The relevant law is the violent crime reduction act:
Sections 36 and 37.

Basically if challenged you need to be able to prove that the reason for having replica weapons is for re-enactment. Copies of any group memberships, booking details of any events you are attending and the uniforms you will also have with you should satisfy that. It's probably best to go by ferry as this means that security checks are less of a problem.
An alternative option might be to courier the weapons to the airsoft site you are going to. You would have to see if it's cheaper to get a courier and a cheap flight rather than a ferry.

Posted : 03/03/2015 3:06 pm
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

How are they going to travel? By car or plane?

As a foreigner; you are not able to passtrough The Netherlands with your airsoft-guns. In Germany you can, BUT your airsoft-gun need to be semi-automatic AND specifically marked with a "F-in-pentagon" mark.

I am not aware of any direct UK-SWEDEN ferry-lines; but if there are, they really should consider that option.

Posted : 03/03/2015 5:27 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin

Basically if challenged you need to be able to prove that the reason for having replica weapons is for re-enactment. Copies of any group memberships, booking details of any events you are attending and the uniforms you will also have with you should satisfy that. It's probably best to go by ferry as this means that security checks are less of a problem.

Absolutely not the case - documentation must be sorted well before travel and presented on entry to the UK. Realistic imitation weapons are illegal in the UK remember (not to mention the alarm caused by gun-like objects visible on luggage scans or visual inspections), and staff don't make decisions at the check in desk! Turning up and expecting to argue you case is asking for trouble, possibly big trouble. The very good news is that HMC&R/Border Agency is well up to speed, indeed very helpful, to reenactors/airsofters wishing to enter the UK with RIFs as long as procedures are followed and pre-arranged. The bad news is the bit between Sweden and the UK can be tricky, as Arthur indicates.

Posted : 03/03/2015 6:10 pm
Posts: 4652
Famed Member

Realistic imitation weapons are illegal in the UK remember...

Absolutely not the case - RIFs are perfectly legal, it's only illegal to manufacture them in this country or import them into this country.

A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.

Posted : 03/03/2015 7:54 pm
Posts: 494
Honorable Member

Easier for them to borrow some weapons

Posted : 03/03/2015 8:05 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin

Realistic imitation weapons are illegal in the UK remember...

Absolutely not the case - RIFs are perfectly legal, it's only illegal to manufacture them in this country or import them into this country.

Grrrr, you know what I meant!

And yes, borrowing once a visitor is here is by far the easiest and trouble-free option...

Also, see page 12 of attached and

Posted : 03/03/2015 8:24 pm
Posts: 914
Prominent Member
Topic starter

Thank you for your guidance here chaps. :good:

Have directed the guys to be looking at this discussion so hopefully they are getting the info they need.
I had already brought up the subject of borrowing guns when they first approached me so I too think that's a lot more feasible option.

Its still at planning stage for them at the moment but hopefully they can get over with out too much of a trial.

Posted : 04/03/2015 7:32 am