I'm trimming down my collection to stuff that I actually use, so this lot's got to go. All the field gear is used and generally comes with muck grime (no charge for either). Prices don't include P&P but once I've got them packed for shipping I'll let you know the cost.
M38 FJ Helmet
Richard Underwood item. Size 59cm - £45 SOLD
Waffen SS Crusher / Schirmmutze, lemon yellow piping
Epic item. Bodged around the inside to make it fit a 59cm head - £15 SOLD
Waffen SS sidecap
Can't remember where I got this. Too small for me,so probably fit a 56/57cm head - £15 SOLD
Luftwaffe sidecap
Underwood. Nice. Size 59cm - £20 SOLD
Single button field cap with Heer BeVo eagle. Size 61cm SOLD
Late war jump smock, splinter B pattern
Spearhead. Well used. one buttonhole is torn but can easily be field-repaired. - medium size baggy fit - £30 SOLD
Waffen SS tunic w/ shoulderboards, tabs and cufftitle
Medium size, fits my 40" chest - £25 SOLD
Waffen SS peadot tunic
Mil-Tec thing. fits a 40" chest - £20
Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse
Underwood. Really nice tunic. Tailored fit for a 40" chest. Morigi Badges and cufftitle included - £55 SOLD
Oak A reversible Zeltbahn.
Hardly used. All buttons and grommets where they should be - £30
Pm`d re the Jump trousers
PM sent Smock
pm sent - side cap
ill take the Waffen SS Crusher / Schirmmutze, lemon yellow piping
Epic item. Bodged around the inside to make it fit a 59cm head - £15
Zoom in (real dimensions: 1024 x 768)
pm inbound
WW2 Amory
K98 Springer Sniper Rifle
Luger P08
KMZ/BMW R71 Combo
Thompson M1A1
M1 Carbine
3 x 1911A1
1942 Willys MB + Trailer
Do you still have the Zelt?