hi what date is this actually? 1/2/3 august or 16th june, both dates appear regulRLY IN THE POSTS
Vorsprung durch Blitzkreig !
Speed, aggression and Hugo Boss
the innocent have nothing to fear......[img][/img]
Yes Neill, dates as posted in information threads, headers and adverts - 1/2/3 August 2014. Other dates referred to in re-opened chatty threads may (check the dates on post) refer to the original planned game last year that was postponed due to site being lost. Back on track now with fingers crossed, now we have the site back...
Edit: Sticky post now made to hopefully remove confusion
Huzzah! I'm so glad this game is back on!
And I can make the dates too!
A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.
I am also up for this, looks great
YES, YES and YES again! and it's on my birthday too.
Sadly I wont be able to make it
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
Sadly I wont be able to make it
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
Payment sent for British please
Yay, glad this is back on.
We shall be there as two brits, but could do civilians if needed - money will be on the way shortly.
I can't get to this at all.
I thought it was being resurrected in October, a date I could have managed.
Even if I wasn't on a family holiday on these dates, which I am, it's very unlikely I could ever make any weekend in August, it being the busiest time in the re-enactment year.
Yes, the October date was moved to prevent a clash...
I wonder if this game will ever run??
I wonder if this game will ever run??
Bloody hope so! In negotiations to get the weekend... fingers crossed!
paid-y paid.
Deposits sent.
I've updated the booking list.
Folks, this is a great opportunity to come along to a weekend with a difference! This won't be your average skirmish. We're putting together some interesting plans and scenarios to keep you involved and entertained.
This is a chance to experience the type of WW2 airsoft that got this entire genre launched 8 years ago. This will be a long running, open ended-scenario with the chance to live life as a fugitive on the run, or in the relative comfort of a permanent camp with all the duties and drills that requires.
To remind you, if you don't have a British uniform, you can dress as a 1940s civilian and either be on the German side, trying to blend in, or as a newly recruited home guard member with gun and pitchfork at the ready!
Read through all the threads and discussion.
This should be a belter.
Payment Sent for Germans, will be good (Y)
One more for the home guard here. Pennies sent.
also sent my deposit for brit please.
Yes, the October date was moved to prevent a clash...
also sent my deposit for brit please.
Obviously it hasn't, HeadShot
[EDIT: Oh, and I've paid deposit ]
A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.
Yes, the October date was moved to prevent a clash...
also sent my deposit for brit please.
Obviously it hasn't, HeadShot