Brit MG Gunner sold to Granger
Yes! [emoji2]
Any takers on the Brit side for being my loader? I may even get a spare barrel and carry pouch for a bit of added realism.
Brit |MG Crew to BedsnHerts
Come on Yanks we need a Signal;s guy a Engineer and if someone is bringing a support weapon a 2 man crew
DAK we need a Crew for Tims Gun
FJ we need a Pioneer
Fall In!
DAK Soldat reporting for duty Sir!
DAK Soldat reporting for duty Sir!
MG Crew with Tim then
Yes Sir!
Ill take on any assigned role sir, as longs as there is equipment to available to use.
I'll take the Engineer role for the Yanks, if no one else wants it?
I'll take the Engineer role for the Yanks, if no one else wants it?
Ill take on any assigned role sir, as longs as there is equipment to available to use.
Pioneer role then John
Happy to be pioneer
If we have any U.S. forces that want to volunteer for mg crew I am willing to lend out my 1919bar.
I also have 8 magazines so you won't run out of ammo in the field.
Hi there me and my brother would be willing to man the bar if you're okay with that?
"How f***ed are we now, on Guadalcanal?"
Thats fine by me but I must worn you it's great to start with but after an hour it starts to feel heavy.
I have plenty of magazines for it too.
See you at the weekend i'm hoping to arrive on friday night so I can get sorted.
Cheers ahah guess it looks like my brother is gonna be the designated guy to carry it around then
"How f***ed are we now, on Guadalcanal?"
OK DAK supply problems have mean`t that the DAK squad are without a HMG unless someone has one and wants to bring it along?
Don`t get outgunned Get even
US Need a Signal man.
No big deal not hard work but it is a necessary role taht needs to be filled. Come on Yanks
we know never to step forward for a job (it may require brain power)
Cjw spoke up first, that counts as a volunteer. Well done that man
Cjw spoke up first, that counts as a volunteer. Well done that man
i am the eye candy