Just sent my payment through for the 8th Parachute Battalion British Airborne kit/Glider troops
Thought all the pyro definitely added a lot to the game. The mortar attack on the British HQ worked really well as none of us were expecting it at all...
Looks awesome! Always wanted a water cooled 1919 for my Pacific gear!
Finally got my Tam o Shanter, Black Watch Cap Badge, 51st HD shoulder patches and R.A.M.C. shoulder patches in the post to start my 51st Highland divi...
Loving those pics! (especially the ones of me with the BAR)
Great pics and videos
£15 each, £25 for both
was such a good game. highlights for me were right at the beginning with our US ambush, the allied firefight right before lunch (still in shock at how...
It says that he's based in China so that probably has something to do with it
Cheers ahah guess it looks like my brother is gonna be the designated guy to carry it around then
Hi there me and my brother would be willing to man the bar if you're okay with that?
Yeah we always seem to get a good response. Need to get more people into it
Couldn't have put it better myself
Not a conventional duo but nothing beats going to a normal sunday game and showing all these modern guys who the real 'operators' are plus i think i...
God I wish I had the money for this
Aha will do
Just trying to sort out kit for my brother at the moment and was wondering if this would be good enough for him to wear? (obviously he'll be wearing b...
Looks awesome mate definitely gotta get me one of those