Hi guys and gals
Just thought I'd let you know about a WW2 game we will be putting on at Fireball Squadron next month
The date is Saturday, April 16th, a one day game at a Midlands site, very close indeed to the motorway network so good transport links for many people
The games and scenarios will all be designed with WW2 in mind, there will be ammo restrictions and a command structure and we would like as many players as possible to wear authentic kit, although accommodation will be made for those who don't have it, the same applies to guns, however, players with modern guns will be restricted to firing on semi-auto unless they are taking on the role of a support gunner
I will post more details at a later stage, but we would love to see as many folks as possible there
Let me know if you can make it
Sounds good, what roughly would be the price. One day or a weekend? West or eastern front? Sorry for all the questions but I got to plan my time off work etc
Hi there
I'm currently waiting on more details from the official organiser, but I can definitely tell you it will be a one day event
I will post again over the next day or two with more detailed info
Thanks for the enquiry, mate
Hi , dave is picking up my slack as my wife has been iller than normal so that and some many other things happening, life went a little tits up lol.
the game is set late war there are no kit restrictions - this is more of a film sim style game trying to get a few new folks interested into ww2 and to help set up a few ww2 games in the midlands. With that in mind i would say about 70% + will be in fullish ww2 kit. The game is just being finished off now that i have worked out where the 2 team bases will be etc
Most folks will be in kit but if a sight of a modern weapon or some one not got the correct helmet net on etc makes you hurl then its not the game for you lol
the cost of the day is £25.oo including some lunch
the game will be a ongoing game all day with every 1 in the field , thou both teams bases are fairly near the safe zone if any 1 has gun troubles or needs the loo etc
numbers will be limited to around 20 a side max as want folks to be able to be sneaky beaky and not trip over the enemy all the time , as it stands we are a little down on Ze Germans but there are some more interested.
More details can be found at http://hairyyak.forumotion.co.uk/f4-operation-rusty-sat-16th-april-2011 or drop me a message i will be around a lot more now
it is being held at Fireball Squadron site at bassets pole in Birmingham - can get on site from 8am - 9pm you have to drive through npf to get to it and they shut the gates at around 9-9.15 so cant get back through till 4.30 when we leave or you will have a very brightly painted car lol
For those that have not been to Fireball - its a woodland sight with some structures etc - they run a woodland game first sat of every month with 60-120 players and now also run a second game (Black Ops) on part of the npf normaly the 3rd sunday of the month that is a lot more intense cqb based.
can check out the fireball website at http://www.fireballsquadron.com
and there facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=95218801612
if you like your more modern there have a 2 day game coming up in june - can camp for that one details at http://www.fireballsquadron.com/?page_id=1098
Heh, Fireball is pretty much where WW2 airsoft began...
yes we need more Germans there only 4 who signed at the moment allies side is full
Hmmm. Look, guys, I know the Axis forces were stretched to the limit at this point in the war, but as things stand at the moment, it would just be taking the 'proverbial'
Come on lads and lasses of the Reich, pull your fingers out! Let's show the Allies what real men are made of
I'll certainly be there, but I need people to boss around!
Hmmm. Look, guys, I know the Axis forces were stretched to the limit at this point in the war, but as things stand at the moment, it would just be taking the 'proverbial'
Come on lads and lasses of the Reich, pull your fingers out! Let's show the Allies what real men are made of
I'll certainly be there, but I need people to boss around!
You only announced it 48 hours ago!
Plus, it is sandwiched into what is now the busiest time of the 2011 WW2 year....
9 Germans Marsha see doubled in size since you last looked lol
9 v 15 but have a little bit more interest on both sides
You only announced it 48 hours ago!
Plus, it is sandwiched into what is now the busiest time of the 2011 WW2 year....
It was meant to be a very tongue in cheek comment in response to Marsha's post about the Allied side being full, which it isn't, at least not according to Chris who says there are currently 15
I wasn't having a go at anybody, 'onest guvner, it weren't me, I swear.....'
still need some germans or maybe some french collaborators
So is there no more room for US troops ...
You may want to check date of the posts mate. Just a thought.