In order for the US to remain in uniform kit, Wladek has created a guide for the Glider Infantry Regiment here:
For the Airborne contingent of the US side for the St. Lo game, please keep to the following kit requirements as closely as possible,... for those who do not have any items of the kit on the list don't worry, for any of those who have more than 1 and are willing to let somebody else borrow them, also great.
M1 Helmet - Painted green with no markings on, 82nd airborne did not have calling card decals on their helmets. For those who have decals on their helmets who portray the 101st, either cover up the decals using paint, scrim in the helmet band, or put your camoflaged scarf over your liner like a helmet cover (like the guys on this picture)
Helmet net/Camo scarf cover with woven in coloured hessian as usual.
M42 Jump suit, patched up as the 82nd Airborne, All Americas Badge is only a few quid, see Scaleyback's great way of not having to de-badge and re-badge your jumpsuit to switch units here:
Webbing, as for any combinations or configurations of webbing that you have wear it,.. try to keep it looking battleready. Remember that the felt pads under the suspender straps weren't common place, however if (like me) they add comfort to your rig please wear them.
IMPORTANT Please do not overload yourselves! (like me ) Unfortunately (and probably moreover because i have most of it) I overload myself,... please do not carry everything like you're dropping in on D-day, combat ready equipment... "weapons and ammo only drop everything else, if you have any ammo in a pack or a musette bag bring it along." No doubt the PBI organisers will be running short snappy engagements, the unit we will be portraying will not have just jumped into Normandy, so they wouldn't be carrying everything. By all means bring the gear for photos, but leave it in the car whilst playing.
Yellow gloves, leave them in the car/at home, used for having a firm grip on the parachute lines/dropdown rope whilst jumping, taken off I would imagine 10 seconds after landing in a ditch somewhere near st. mere eglise. That goes for gas mask bags, probably E-tools and drop down ropes too.
Boots - I can appreciate that everybody doesn't have a set of corcoran boots, any knee high boots, tan/brown/black will do.
All of the above is a guide only and I won't enforce it with my M3 knife, please use your discretion on the above.
Operation lightening was a massive success with those using rifles... so if you have them bring them along, if not, whatever you have will do nicely.
Lastly RANK: Highest ranking soldier in this event will be staff sergeant, for those who have ranks higher than this should take off or disguise their rank as much as possible, hierarchy in airsoft games is a bit of an acquired taste, and those given leadership positions are just to ensure that you get the most out of the PBI experience, and not to belittle you in any way. Yith Is the IC for the US contingent in this game, and will hold the rank of Captain. (Salutes)
Any questions ask away
i have a spare m1 garand belt , and a spare parachute neck scarfe.