Just wanted to post a big, loud and hearty 'Thank You!' to everyone who made The Battle of Tulagi such an awesome game. Neil and I had a real blast and we're so glad we took the plunge and joined in. Thank you all for making my first WWII airsoft game so great. Sadly I'm going to have to miss the weekender but if PTO themed games continue next year, I'll do my all to get to them.
Cheers all,
Thanks to all the fireball guys for putting on a great game and to everyone for playing brilliantly. Had an absolute blast all day.
Favourite bits for me were the banzai charges (big girly Marines running away ) and hiding in a bush with only half a squad while 2 whole American squads walked right by us! Also loved the interesting use of the few Japanese words our team knew. Shitake! Pikachu! Godzilla!
Also thanks to the men of squad 2. Some great shooting and grenade throwing going on there and lots of waiting for me to sort my puttees out (with the odd moaning about my very wet tabi shoes)
too tired to write tonight , ache every where lol
but here is a photo of your banzai wave
and a quick picture
pul all the photos i have on the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/fireballww2/
but take into account only taken on my phone in a bomb proof cover , i am no pedro lol
I agree, this was my first ever WWII and milsim game in general, and I had a total blast. I want to thank everyone involved from the Yanks and Japanese. I especially want to thank the organisers and the lads in my squad, USMC squad 1 for a brilliant day. In my 6 or so years of attending standard airsoft open days, Tulagi has made me look at regular skirmishing in a different light!
Armoury: ICS M1 Garand, ICS M3 Grease Gun, King Arms M1A1 Thompson, ForceCore M1918 BAR, Tokyo Marui M1911A1
Awesome game, thank you to Chris and all the organizers, had great fun and hopefully the start of something marvelous! Long live the Emperor!
Here are some of the better photos taken at the game... http://s171.photobucket.com/user/Stev99/library/Battle%20of%20Tulagi
And in vintage style:- http://s171.photobucket.com/user/Stev99/library/Battle%20of%20Tulagi%20in%20Sepia
SnS SMLE, SnS No.4, ASG Sten gun, King Arms M1928A1, Projector Infantry Anti Tank, MkII 2" Mortar, Vickers .303
Awesome game, thank you to Chris and all the organizers, had great fun and hopefully the start of something marvelous! Long live the Emperor!
Here are some of the better photos taken at the game... http://s171.photobucket.com/user/Stev99/library/Battle%20of%20Tulagi
And in vintage style:- http://s171.photobucket.com/user/Stev99/library/Battle%20of%20Tulagi%20in%20Sepia
Love these pics mate - especially since I'm one of the marines who had no idea you were there hiding not three feet from us! Big well done mate
My 16th WW2 Event and I will have to say probaly the best game I have been too.
Trying to right a review which will do the game justice is probaly impossible, but the lads from the 34th know how to put on a cracker of a game!
The amount of props / Pyro used in the game where beyond counting! The first few missions from the Yanks involved us clearing a minefield, while other squads laid barbed wire and bobby traps to catch out any Japanese attacking our base. (although they might of killed more yanks in the end! ) The minefield wsa cleared by an actual minesweeper and all the mines were live. Unfortuanly our engineer took a hit as the Japs had used a new type of casing not seen before made out of some form of bakelite. Squad 2 then went on a recon mission to try and photograph the Japanese troops to learn more about the Units and the size of force we faced. This one was a mixed sucess as we tried to remain hidden we where spotted and took casualties and had to fall back. Other missions assigned to us where to locate a wounded soldier a bring him back on a stretcher. Destroy 3 armoured veichles with a bazooka, take and hold objectives for a certain amount of time as well as seek out and destroy Japanese supplies / troops.
The 2 banzai charges i saw where great! When squad returend to base after a suscessful mission completion squad 3 moved out. We observed them moving up to a building when they were attacked from 2 sides by Japanese charging at them wiping squad 3 totally out. The "Final attack" was just amazing to watch and when the Americans had managed to hold the first charge I know me and Gareth gave them an applause as it just looked freaking amazing. Also it was in this attack I fired a TAG shell and I have never seen one go so far! Thanks to Martin and Luiluei for both taking the hit as it landed just behind you. I heard later on you both thought it was a trip mine!
Roll on the next one!
Another great game put on by 34th. Well done!! I also want to express my respect trying the Pacific idea and having such a turn out. The uniforms and load out efforts on both sides were more than impressive. I felt ashamed showing up with my Russian uniform and only added Japanese cap and puttees.
It looks like more Pacific games are on the horizon. Guess I will have to look into investing some more
Playing Japanese was great fun. Although slightly under pressure with a lot of rifles against a fair amount of SMGs, we made it up with Banzai charges which more effective than I thought.
I surely would have attended the July game but unfortunately will be on holiday.
Added a couple of pictures
everything I'd want to report has already been written out above but I still feel the need to express what fa cracker this game was.
The 34th nailed it with the props, scenario and missions, the play and sportsmanship was absolutely top-notch on both sides.
Trying to go head-to-head against automatic weapons with bolt-action rifles can be one of the most frustrating experiences in airsoft but the USMC were spot-on for hit taking and without wanting to sound too immodest I think our guys worked really hard to get the upper hand in firefights by outflanking and ambushing where possible.
I thought the banzai charges were great fun and with the numbers involved were a surprisingly effective tactic at times.
Once again, big thanks to all involved, now to get booked on for Tenaru!
I've fired a bullet on every continent. Nearly hit someone, too.
Just to add the to comments above, it was a great game and worked really well. Thanks very much to the organisers for taking the plunge into a new genre, and to all the players who made such an effort to look the part and to take part in the event in the right spirit.
The large proportion of 'sneaking' type missions made it very tense, particularly in the dense 'jungle', as you never knew what you were going to run into. The Banzai charges were great fun and surprisingly effective, especially the last one on the supply dump when the Americans appeared to all run away
It is possible some of our Japanese interpretations were not in the best possible taste, but in 'Commando' comic the Japanese only ever seemed to say one of two things - 'Banzai' or 'Aieee' . I'm also away when the next Pacific game is on, which is a real shame, but hopefully there will be another in 2017. I need to get some new puttees, those cotton Russian ones just fall down all the time.
Finally, the weather gods smiled upon us, so we must have been doing something right
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
Thanks for that. You always do us proud with props and the structure of these games. For a first foray into the Pacific theatre it worked really well.
Well done to Squad Two; Tom and Neil were attending their first WW2 Airsoft game and are a welcome addition to the community. The Japanese minefield at the start of the game proved a slight issue when Matt blew himself to smithereens on the first demining attempt; quick intervention from Corpsman Legg saved the day, allowing Matt to recover and clear the rest of the field in record time.
Japanese tanks? No problem! With Stu's bazooka we disabled three of them and the better part of an entire Japanese squad in the process before the usual Jaoanese sniping whittled our squad down. Speedy medical help and the arrival of Wattsy's squad got us back in the action, but it was borderline (one more casualty and we'd have had to return to the C.P).
Neil proved a very effective point man, leading the way with the shotgun, whilst our own Alamo Scout Cameron time and again guided us to our destination when we got lost in the thick jungle, more often than not with Japs all around us.
A lot of fun. Roll on the next one.
Thank you to Chris and the organisers for an awesome day. Also a big thank you to everyone who was there and made the day very enjoyable. I did enjoy playing on the Japanese side and having some Sake. Banzai!!!
Cheers for the 34th for hosting another great day!
Had a fun time stalking around as the Japanese, not to mention joining in a couple of Banzai charges! Those...sticky bombs...blimey its a good job we walked rapidly away from them once lit...
I felt the dense vegetation in certain areas put the rifles at a quite a disadvantage, though in the last attack with much greater sight lines, they set up an impressive rate of attrition on the American front line defenses, so it all balances out I guess.
Our group have a few more pics of the squads- hopefully they might make an appearance sooner or later! (hint hint, Tom)
Nothing really to add but concur with what everyone has said so far, best game for ages , many thanks to Chris and the Fireball team for a great day
This is what WW2 airsoft should be like !
A brilliant day! Thanks so much to Chris, Martin and the 34th guys for putting on another excellent day of WW2 airsofting. The standard of kit on both sides was excellent, especially the Japanese who had to make a few alterations to existing Russian and UK kit, but in my opinion it looked perfect!
Big thanks to our Sgt, Gareth who led our section through the thick pacific undergrowth and into the jaws of the enemy. Loved the role-play and accents that our squad were coming out with (even though some were mighty suspect!). More thanks to the guys in my section, Tom, Neil, Stu and Cameron - a pleasure fighting alongside you gents.
Looks like Pacific events are here to stay...roll on the next one in July!
Our group have a few more pics of the squads- hopefully they might make an appearance sooner or later! (hint hint, Tom)
Hint received and understood!
Here's some enthusiastic Japanese!
... And some more pics .
Just to add to what everyone has said so far, this was a brilliant game!
Thanks to 34th for a great day, to everyone on the field for an excellent standard of play and to Japanese squad 3 for being a great bunch and giving me the demo bag so that I could blow myself up for the emperor in a variety of ways
Apologies to squad 2 for not getting a shot of the team at the start of the day.
A shameful display(unfortunately I can't find a seppuku emoji, so: ).
Gotta say, Lutz's Banzai-ing is pretty epic. No wonder the yanks were scared