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Big thanks

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Cheers all round:
Porta and Tiny for their top effort in giving us this game, top job lads.
Chommers and Headshot for leadership on the field and helping the game to flow all day.
My fellow specials for withstanding the rain of pyro in the turbine tunnel :good:
Finally to all players for making the game what it was.

Top parts of the day:
Being first in with a molotov kill for the day :happyswing:
The 'sneaky' draw with Pvt. Johnny :good: :good:
Watching the hun wave at the end of the day, sorry lads leave that one to the russians :giggle:

Bad parts of the day:
The large ammount of friendly fire kills that come with the darkness but even that wasnt that big a deal

Top way to finish off the year gentlemen. Have a good holidays and hope to see you all in the new year....

....Now whos doing the medal ribbon :giggle:

Posted : 09/12/2012 8:08 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

friendly fire is always high in the tunnels , think in the last one we got killed by fellow yanks more than the gerries and ruskies together lol

Posted : 09/12/2012 11:03 pm
Posts: 3770
Famed Member

Yes good game eryone took part well quite a few memorable points and I hope all the video I shot looks as good as it did at the time.

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Posted : 09/12/2012 11:09 pm
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

I had a wonderful time thank you all for making my first game so much fun ^_^
Thanks to porter for the kit lone and to all the organisers for hearding cats around tunnels ;)

Plus points
People dieing properly in airsoft!! Yes loved it on both teams so refreshing to play airsoft and notsee the person you hot sulk of to regen :)

Sneeky time dark tunnels much fun running away form angry bright torch weilding amaicans hehe heck i don't even know who they where but it was fun :p

The mad charge in the halftrack againt the amicans halftrack pushing them back and then getting me head blown off at the crossroad bit X.X

Oh and the brilliant plan that was like a magic spell at the end. The sneeky side step slowly closer down the tunnel exit road to see how far the yanks would let us get befor attacking hehe

Bad points

My dam mp44 motor refuseing to work for 1 or so hours :/ then suddenly revivring Its self to spook a group of us troops outside the safe zone

One of Portes doggie mk5 pyro That refused to light with cap or lighter dam things invinsable hehe must be made in the uk

Ummmm germans splintering to much at one point we got so spread out i think we need to plan rally point at a more accesable solid respwarn point (not capturable) i know it could just end up in to a killbox but we needed a solid fall back point.
And with that a secret fall back plan in the secret secton for germans.. Like on own or sub5man team fall back to point z after 15mins nocontact if not defendingkeyvitem /objective. .....etc

I dont know thats just an idea

Hitler dieing T-T

Having to go home and getting lost as phone satnav worked on phone signal that was nonexsistant hehe

Any way all in all brilliant day and i will be back again. Posably that russian houdse bolty game sounds brilliant fun


Posted : 09/12/2012 11:43 pm
Joseph Porta
Posts: 4105
Famed Member

Just got in, 2 motorways closed on way home, and had to put halftrack back in quarry

Many thanks to everyone for coming, ill post a propper post tomorrow after work

Thanks again guys

"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison

Posted : 10/12/2012 12:18 am
Posts: 3770
Famed Member

Yes I was tired last night, my satnav drove me all the way to Chester on A & B roads pulling the tank. Anyway got home about 8pm.

Nice to see Dougs armoured Jeep in use, the tank had a few steering problems in right turns hence the need for ze Germans to turn it round by hand in the last push out the tunnels.
Can't remember the German in the turret but he got shot to 5H1T by the Yanks above.

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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 10/12/2012 9:31 am
Posts: 14
Active Member

I was in the turret oddball, and , yes i did get shot to sh-1-t, but it was fun and i would have persevered if my MP44 battery had not died!!,

Posted : 10/12/2012 10:06 am
Posts: 4320
Famed Member

That was a jolly good time, Thanks to Porta, Tiny, Headshot and Chomley; And all those I spent so long wandering tunnels and evading the enemy with.

high point? Getting cut off and having to hide down a dead end - 7 people sucking in their guts behind a flimsy piece of wood down the end of a tunnel whilst the half-track rumbled past was wonderfully tense - before making a dash for it. We lost the Sarge and the Captain and had to try and get home with the ragged bunch of survivors in the dark, lost and alone, trying to find a way back for lord knows how long. Brilliant fun. Excellent chaps and damn fine noise and light discipline.

It is hard to control things down there, we had a job of it and we were actively trying to stay together - we had to keep having a roll call in the dark to be sure everyone was there. People have really got to want to stay in their assigned units in such a site.

Posted : 10/12/2012 12:59 pm
Posts: 494
Honorable Member

Good day really enjoyed it

Thanks to Porta, Tiny, Chomley, Headshot and everyone else

Posted : 10/12/2012 1:07 pm
Posts: 211
Estimable Member

indeed thanks sooo much

i love games that push at historic fact. well done team and thanks for allowing me to play agame where my stg 44 could magically start working properly.

High point the long tense wait to ambush an american patrol in the tunnels. a killing loads of em.

low point a stealth kill that whilst i took I really did not agree still i made my own fun later.

thanks again

reallyy looking forward to Pavlovs

armoury. Sten lanchesteralike thompson m1a1 thompson 1928 Garand (m14 S&S) 1911 Browning HP Tanaka M10 stg 44 mp40 x 2 tanaka k98 MG42 (AK IN PLASTIC BODY) MG34 (ak in plastic body as well) Luger broom handle latex bayonet latex E-tool

Posted : 10/12/2012 1:31 pm
Universal Gunner
Posts: 449
Reputable Member

My first time at the tunnels and a thoroughly good time was had. I thought I was managing well but they can be disorientating, my insistence that a perfectly static light was moving and my walking into several walls that really shouldn't have been there only shows how our senses (or at least mine) enjoy playing tricks on us. Embarassment only surpassed by the numerous occasions I stealthily crept along darkened tunnels trying to be as quiet as a mouse only to walk through or kick whatever incredibly noisy rubbish was suddenly obstructing my path and sounding even louder to my ears than that blank firing grease gun.

Many thanks to Tiny, Porta, Headshot, CW, my comrades in the Doughboys and everyone else.


I have a small skewer hidden in the collar of my jumping jacket, and a razorblade in my gaiter, as well as my knife.

Posted : 10/12/2012 1:42 pm
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

A wonderful event. Well done to all involved.

It was helped to be great especially for me by the way the doughboys worked together so well. It wasn't often when I was without the majority of the Doughboys section being within earshot.

There were so many highlights for me it's hard to list them all. But two spring to mind.

1) Watching some Germans, fighting Dog Co, in the light areas around the safezone from a small crawl way from the adjacent darker murkier tunnels on the East of the map. At once point I spotted Hitler in his beige uniform walk past. Then when the Germans were not looking getting the whole of the Doughboys through the hole along with Headshot. Then followed about 30 minutes of sneaking about in the darker tunnels, seeing patrols of Germans march past. One patrol even found the hole we came through and I think twigged that we must be about somewhere. But we never saw Hitler again in there and so pulled back out to the Southern area having not fired a single shot, and having not been seen.

2) After Headshot had the intel as to where Hitler was hiding, we sneaked into a very small toilet block. There was a crawl hole at the back and I went to investigate. At which point the fuhrer opened up on me with his blank firing grease gun, emptying the mag at me through the hole. I fell back muttering things about men with small moustaches and Wladek made a joke about Charlie Chaplin. They healed me up and I went in again... only to have Der Fuhrer's second and last full mag of blanks fired at me... I then returned to regen... heh...

Posted : 10/12/2012 1:46 pm
Posts: 4320
Famed Member

Ah yes, ammo limit, that was another thing. When we were cut off we got to a couple of dark and deserted 'CP's', that were still allied.

When we were taking a watchful breather people started reloading and suddenly it struck us - 'We cannot just re-load at a CP, we have to see the CO'... I am not sure if this was right, BUT, firstly it so should have been - THAT is the detriment to being cut off and out of command. And secondly how great would that have been with 100 rounds... We would have had to huddle after every short contact and count up - 30 rounds. about 20. half a mag. I'm out... would have made it mucho bees-knees-y.

Posted : 10/12/2012 2:33 pm
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

Luckily for us the CO seemed to be with us most of the day...

Posted : 10/12/2012 2:34 pm
Posts: 158
Estimable Member

Great day guys we all extremely enjoyed it as much as the first time. Highlight of the day was taking out the half track and just seeing it explode and smoke pouring out with dead Germans all round it. The ammo limits was spot on i only went down to half a mag once as most of the contacts were short and fast because we had so much fire power with the size of our squad.
Big thanks to all and about wait for the next one, hopefully you do another one as chris could not make it as his wife was ill, and there was nobody as excited as he was about this shoot so you can imagine how gutted he was

Posted : 10/12/2012 4:58 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

still gutted and to make it worse now ill as well :(

Posted : 10/12/2012 5:37 pm
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

Darn yanks and there organization ;p i'll put it down to that it was the end of the war and we were all worn out ;)


Posted : 10/12/2012 6:26 pm
Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Great event - really enjoyed. Even more intense than last year. Many thanks to organizers and all who was there. :good:


Posted : 10/12/2012 6:34 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

Many thanks to the organisers :good: , an absolutly cracking day!!
One of the best bits for me was ambushing the American charge as they poured out of the backdoor to the kitchen/safe area!! we all knew you were coming out that way guys!!!
Getting shot up in the turret of the tank trying to negotiate the gully out of the main tunnel was a laugh too, at least all the pellet wounds on my head made my wife laugh!! :lol:
Can`t wait for the next one!!

Posted : 10/12/2012 7:11 pm
Posts: 473
Honorable Member

my first game at the tunnels and I must admit I wasnt sure after the first hour. The entering of the tunnel is chronic and nought but a murder hole. it doesnt help when every hit you take in such circumstances seemed inevitably in the mush :cry: However, when the game began to filter and spread out it became great.
High points
my stealth battle with bigkie was most fun :good:
Aggressively patrolling with my squad mates from Dog Co, especially Bear, Tony and Diamond Dave who dealt Jerry countless bloody noses from the darkest reaches of the tunnels :twisted:
Lying prone with said squad in a dead ended and pitch black 'hole' and picking Jerry off as the brave and fool hardy tried to winkle us out :twisted: :twisted: one kraut did an especially entertaining jig that was triggered by our rain of 6mm pain!!
Rear ending the half track at the top of th tunnels and wiping out a whole load of field grey :happydance:

Not being informed of the bang rule not being used as in such confined spaces, it seemed only the sensible way to play :shock: a bb from inches away bloody hurts and tends to fray tempers
Seeing one of Dog Co being lit up in the face whilst he was at a regen, helmet off, gun down, eating a sandwich and clearly not 'in game' begged the question is common sense applied as necessary. Apologies were made, fair enough but it should have been avoided. a surrender call would have done!

Big thanks to the organisers and to Dog Co who are always a pleasure. Great to see BigKie as ever and all the other guys I see at these games. Bring on 2013 :happyswing: and enjoy your holidays

Posted : 10/12/2012 7:14 pm
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