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Thanks to all

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Another great battle concludes. A massive thanks to everyone for the sat, Sunday still to follow;)

Heer Schmidt

Posted : 17/11/2012 8:29 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

one of the best days airsoft , and maybe the best site i played on , cracking day wife bored already with me telling her how good it was and all the exploits of "easy squad"

wish we could have been there for Sunday but weekends are near impossible for us :(

hope it goes well :)

thanks to nigel for leading us allies and for cuff stepping up to lead easy squad , for the brit squad that helped us take the ridge off the germans ahhh good times :) and of course the germans for puting up a great fight all day :)

and last and not least Josh and the gang running it , top top day

Posted : 18/11/2012 1:10 pm
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

Wow. What a great weekend.
Big thanks to all the organisers. Top effort from everyone involved. Special mention to all the squad leaders for making the event into a proper battle weekend :good:

My only gripe was with the few relentless "lone wolf" types on the German side who insisted on going off-piste with their orders, despite Josh and Gadge making it crystal clear what was required from players. Hey-ho.

Posted : 18/11/2012 6:10 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

great event, enjoyed the whole thing, some good banter between both sides and some great acting by some of my german comrades, who died very "oscar-eque" - great site well run.
On the way home I was trying to work out how I felt about the event, and particularly with regard to Gunmans comment pre-battle about ".....forget skirmish, and think battle, its not about the win" not a verbatum quote, but you know the one, this concerned me as I thought "how do I turn off my will to win" and "what does skirmish mentality mean"...............but now I know. Normally when people dont take hits I get most upset, but when this occurred I realised I didnt care (very unlike me), and regardless of the effect on the battle my reaction was "oh well they probably didnt feel it", again very unlike me, so I must have picked up the right vide during the event. My "lets win" mind set was replace with a "lets do this right" tactically it was great, trying to hold the ridge with Zug 3 with only a single shot bolt left me very out gunned, but i didnt care, I only changed to the mp40 because i felt i was letting my zug down.

Beds pointed out lone wolf Germans, I must hold my hands up and say i did go lone wolf on Saturday, but once i realised I was the last man standing and the rest of the Germans were dead or gone to respawn, I shouted hit and fell (carefully) to the ground and stayed there for the best part of 15 minutes, hoping the counter any effects of me continuing to fire (and hitting two guys) after the rules stated I should withdraw. It was onyl due to adrenaline and focus that i had not realised i was the only one alive. so my apologies. :oops:

but in summary (as i do waffle on a bit) great event and really enjoyed it, i think am getting the idea after 2 events of what is expected and required. :good:

p.s going to be difficult at the next modern skirmish to switch mindsets :slap:

Posted : 18/11/2012 6:43 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

Just want to echo my thanks to everyone, on both sides. Overall, one of the best ww2 events I've been to, and a great site I can't wait to get back to. Pretty much everyone got into the mindset, and seemed to enjoy themselves.

I also want to give my personal thanks to all the Zug CO's and radio ops. I spent most of the weekend glued to the HQ radio, getting intel from you guys, and getting decent intel and reports made my job a lot easier, less stressful and more fun!

Posted : 18/11/2012 7:16 pm
Posts: 2009
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Topic starter

A great weekend and with 40 neaw players to Gunmans WW2 battles, amazed we had the few problems we had. All related to rules not the usual hit taking :good: There is a lot to take in and beleive me, we you get a field full og guys that ALL know how it works and what to do, you do have the best game you can have! :happydance:

A massive thanks to my tierlessly working crew and command leaders. Its not an easy job to run a side and control the 'game' too, but as always you delivered!

Also a big thabnks to all the vehical owners for bring down your toys and joining in the fun. They visualy made the event and it was amazing to see the bike combi's in a real battle situation and how they worked. Simply awesome. The Armoured car was also a show stealer, though we have now polished up the rules for it (never had an amoured car and WW2) it showed the presure an amoured vehical brought to a battlefield. Well done the Panzer unit for stalking the bloody thing for 1hour and a half to GET THEIR KILL :good:

A big thanks has to go to this forum, without it thier wood be NO WW2 sceen!!

big lubs xxxx

Heer Schmidt

Posted : 18/11/2012 7:44 pm
Posts: 2142
Noble Member

Many thanks to Josh and his crew, another very enjoyable weekend :good:

Special thanks to my commanders Nigel, Ramsey and Martin who did an excellent job. Thanks to Dog company for there hospitality on Friday, and to Bosh and the Dutch/Belgian contingent for theirs on Saturday :good:

Great to see old faces again and some new ones :D Nick your MG34 looked superb and had me pinned down a couple of times, well done fella :good:

Posted : 18/11/2012 7:46 pm
Posts: 106
Estimable Member

Wow great weekend, thanks to all, big thanks to Josh, Nigel and Gage for running a superb event.

Link to some pictures taken before getting stuck in on Saturday, sadly my camera battery died early on sunday :( shame cos the light was lovely... ... 3pOCvo_JHA


Posted : 18/11/2012 8:02 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Wow great weekend, thanks to all, big thanks to Josh, Nigel and Gage for running a superb event.

Link to some pictures taken before getting stuck in on Saturday, sadly my camera battery died early on sunday :( shame cos the light was lovely... ... 3pOCvo_JHA


Great Photos :good:


Posted : 18/11/2012 8:14 pm
Posts: 503
Honorable Member

Cheers guys for a great weekend, my first WW2 weekender this year and my only regret is that I didn't go to more :(. Gameplay was excellent, no real issues with non hit takers except when I was using the boltie, it's obviously very difficult to tell a hit when there's only one BB and it hits baggy clothing or webbing, but by the second shot people did tend to notice :giggle:

The saturday was great from the British perspective, roaming around in sections all around the site made it very interesting, the only problem being was the fact we became so fragmented by about 1pm that it became difficult to achieve anything and the Germans had superiority on the battelfield. I think it just added to the game really, initial Allied advances, strong German countterattack then a smaller Allied countterattack right at the end.

Sunday had more linear gameplay and the Allies generally stuck together with usually 2 or 3 sections/ squads attacking each objective at once, which did make it much more difficult for the Germans to fend us off. Later in the day we had to defend all along 'lemur' I think it was, but when the Germans came we decided to countterattack them from the right, which we really shouldn't have done as it lead to us actually being able to shoot into the German HQ- not good :oops:

Big thank you to all the players who really got into things, and also of course a big thank you to Josh for a great weekend! :good: :good: :good:

Posted : 18/11/2012 8:15 pm
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

My "lets win" mind set was replace with a "lets do this right"

spot on, Simon.

Of course, you don't have to turn off the will to win, but once people get the idea that winning is just one aspect of an event, along with immersion, unit cohesion, kameraderie, banter, making new friends and taking to the field with old friends, then the whole point of dressy up airsoft makes a lot more sense. You can lose an engagement and have a fantastic time, and you can win an engagement and have a so-so time. That's the buzz.

Posted : 18/11/2012 8:27 pm
Posts: 382
Reputable Member

Andy, you've taken some cracking pictures there mate.

Just to repeat well done Josh and crew, that most have taken some organising. I thoroughly enjoyed myself on Saturday and considering there were 40 new WW2 players I thought the level of gamesmanship was excellent. It certainly looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.

Having all the vehicles there added an extra dimension to the game (cheers Rich for the lift on the krad, excellent). One of the best bits in the late afternoon was when the panzerfaust crew finally knocked out that sodding armoured car ( it might as well have been a Sherman). Everytime that thing appeared everyone dived for cover or hid as we had nothing that could touch it.

It was the first outing for my MG34 which held up for the whole day, although I was knackered by the end after humping it around all day. I think it did what it was meant to, providing suppressive fire and helping to blunt some of the allied assaults that Zug 2 were on the end of.

All in all excellent, keep up the good work guys, it really makes a difference to the quality of the games.

Oh, and a word of advice to new WW2 players, shout or scream a bit louder when your hit, because I'm sure a few people got more rounds than neccessary because we didn't know whether they'd been hit or were just lying down hiding.

Posted : 18/11/2012 8:48 pm
Posts: 379
Reputable Member

Wow great weekend, thanks to all, big thanks to Josh, Nigel and Gage for running a superb event.

Link to some pictures taken before getting stuck in on Saturday, sadly my camera battery died early on sunday :( shame cos the light was lovely... ... 3pOCvo_JHA


Wow... what amazing photo's..

'Non adepto demens. Adepto etiam'
War does not show who is right, only who is left..

Posted : 18/11/2012 9:25 pm
Posts: 8795
Illustrious Member

A great weekend and with 40 neaw players to Gunmans WW2 battles, amazed we had the few problems we had. All related to rules not the usual hit taking :good: There is a lot to take in and believe me, we you get a field full og guys that ALL know how it works and what to do, you do have the best game you can have! :happydance:

A massive thanks to my tierlessly working crew and command leaders. Its not an easy job to run a side and control the 'game' too, but as always you delivered!

Also a big thabnks to all the vehical owners for bring down your toys and joining in the fun. They visualy made the event and it was amazing to see the bike combi's in a real battle situation and how they worked. Simply awesome. The Armoured car was also a show stealer, though we have now polished up the rules for it (never had an amoured car and WW2) it showed the presure an amoured vehical brought to a battlefield. Well done the Panzer unit for stalking the bloody thing for 1hour and a half to GET THEIR KILL :good:

A big thanks has to go to this forum, without it their wood be NO WW2 sceen!!

big lubs xxxx

Thanks Josh!
Great weekend , we knew you would love the site!
Was great to get the T 25 mudded, blooded and blown up! It did well on its maiden voyage and know what has to be do to finish it and make it better :good: be good to get some steadfast rules in place for it :D
Great to see everyone, and another big turn out too. Thanks to you and all your crew!!

Posted : 18/11/2012 10:00 pm
Posts: 914
Prominent Member

If the ammount of aches and pains is the show of an event then this one was truly a great one.
Was very good to catch up with the regulars and meet some of the new guys, just shows how much strength ww2 airsoft has.
A big thanks to all of the FJR2 guys again for two great days shooting and for social shenanagins, Hoppy i am looking at you there buddy and your exploration of the field saturday night :giggle: a mention to the Belgian boys for gummi bears and fire.
To Josh, Gadge, Evo, Nige for awesome work in the field especially with a few niggle that seemed to arise but were swiftly delt with,
and to the Dog Co. boys well done for finding such a great site to fight on.
See you all next time.

Posted : 18/11/2012 10:30 pm
Posts: 473
Honorable Member

Well, truly fantastic weekend! Big shout out to Josh and his crew for organising everything.
Great to see everyone and to hook up with Dog Co once again whose hospitality seems endless. Getting to ride about in the T25 armoured car was awesome and Doug deserves huge recognition for building the bb magnet! All the vehicles take the game experience to that higher level. Game play was excellent all weekend, with some fantastic firefights. Was rather entertaining being pinned behind the caravan with fire coming in from left, right, above and below meaning I had to sit up on the tow bar to avoid being shot! Plenty of near death scrapes during saturday and I will be reporting Ian of the Daganham Nazis to the war crimes commission for t-bagging a downed soldier!!! Found today great. Loads of action with excellent co-ordinted pressure from the Airbourne squads resulting in some quite comprehensive victories. So, to sum it up, the mix of heavy fighting, patrolling and the excellent site all made for a great experience.
I would like to see some clear rules for use of armoured vehicles. As I know there were a few questions raised about the gunner being visible to fire, fair point however, the fact that the vehicle wasn't 'respected' very often as groups or even 2 man teams of lightly armed enemy would engage it without issue or 'fear' meant any one did try to stand died immediately. Which makes the car all but useless for fighting. Perhaps any position attacked by the car could be able to lay only enough fire down on the car to allow them to run away! Josh did put this idea forward at the start however, most enemy just took the car as a big target to shoot at even without a at weapon. Just my thoughts...! Any how, top, top weekend!

Posted : 18/11/2012 10:44 pm
Posts: 2142
Noble Member

Wow great weekend, thanks to all, big thanks to Josh, Nigel and Gage for running a superb event.

Link to some pictures taken before getting stuck in on Saturday, sadly my camera battery died early on sunday :( shame cos the light was lovely... ... 3pOCvo_JHA


Yes great photo's and great to see so many FJ at an event, the vehicles looked superb :good:

Posted : 19/11/2012 1:19 am
Posts: 2866
Famed Member

A great weekend, thank you very much to Josh for organising it and Nigel & Gadge for commanding both sides so well. Particular thanks to Baker company for tolerating my efforts at command in good humour, I only got all of you killed a couple of times :) As we stumbled around the wood trying to work out where the hell we were, sayings about 'lieutenants' and 'maps' came to mind...

As is now traditonal, I managed to blow myself up defusing mines, and I'm just sorry that we never go to spring our cunning demo charge booby trap at CP6. Still aching, scratched and as high as kite.


"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.

Posted : 19/11/2012 9:24 am
Posts: 138
Estimable Member

Well what can I say……my first gunman game was a truly epic experience! Big thanks to josh and his team for running this so well and putting it on, on such an amazing site!
Just like to say thanks to pvt Johnny for introducing me Dog company! Brilliant group of lands!! Mayed me feel really welcome!! I'm looking forward to fighting and drinking with you guys again! And finally a massive thanks to Doug for lending me his BAR for the weekend and also letting me jump in the back of the armoured jeep for most of the Saturday! I'm always gona remember driving down the lane full of Germans at full pelt, to the sound of a hundred BBs bouncing off the armour!!

Carnt wait for the next one


Posted : 19/11/2012 9:56 am
Posts: 7247
Illustrious Member

Quite honestly one of the best WWII games for a long time for me. Also probably the biggest. It was a real treat to have 'platoons' that were actually the size of real wwii platoons that had been in the field for a while (around 20 men per zug in some). It meant Evo and I could task you realistically.

Great scenario and rules from Josh, great site found by the Dog Co guys... hats off there. Couldnt have happened without James putting in the contacts to get us such a unique and unspoilt location.

I'm still shattered but i'll try and summarise my thoughts.

Germans, you were a pleasure to be in 'command' of, you were tasked with a job, went off and did it or died trying, no arguing , minimal messing about and only one or two persistent 'lone wolves' :) Special thanks to the zug commanders on various days (Ade, Martin, Justin, Rich and Dave) and a little extra thanks to Chomley for being a very capable commander of the mech zug, you were run around ragged plugging up any gaps in the line and did excellently - you were missed on Sunday!

Saturday was amazing with our initial line being broken through (note to troops, its ok to go get food in the field but let us know...) we pulled back to a stronger defensive line and 'slammed the door' to pivot on our right flank and swing the left round in an arc... its a text book company manouvre but a bloody difficult one to do perfectly with trained soldiers... you guys managed it excellently and i was very very proud of the side for the seamless manouvre.

Sunday was less refined as the drop in numbers really showed. with Ten men to a zug and only three of them (zug 3 were down to seven men) we had no chance at all of holding out when hit at a postion in the line by 30 or more allies... still you fought well and put enough pressure on to make the allies forget their *goals* and fixate on kills.

He held the line, we stopped the armour breaking through intact and left the field with honour, well done lads.

Allies... you were great moving targets, sorry opponents :) In all honestly you played excelently, I had next to no complaints from my guys about the enemy (usually you get a fair few as the weekend wears on) and the standard of kit was excellent in the few instances i did see you out there, really creating the illusion of WWII being recreated.

Some great pics so far!

Massive forces to manouvre.. no pretending four guys are a 'company'
Reliable commanders who threw themselves into it
amazing site
great opponents
Hoppy and ross's hospitality friday night
Food and company in the pub on sat

Some players not bothering to read the rules, there are a *lot* but if you just want to wear cool kit and get kills, why not go to an open day instead?
Freezing temp sat night, woke up with ice on the tent!
One or two players who simply 'dont get WWII' , regretabbly the same one or two people who come, dont enjoy it then come back to play badly again
(and i really am talking about *one* or two out of the 100 players or more there)
Lack of light at this time of the year meaning that you have to really condense the activity to get good adventures in

All in all though, top stuff. Probably the biggest and best WWII event so far.

"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."

Posted : 19/11/2012 10:25 am
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