Deposit sent for zee Germans
My name is still not down on the booking list Josh
Deposit sent for zee Germans
My name is still not down on the booking list Josh
Whats your real name and have you prepaid yet...sorry bud
problem is, guys are paying me money but not telling me real name, forum name, which event or even what side My admin is shit anyway but these things!...they do not help.
Heer Schmidt
Payment was sent via paypal with all the relevant details required, I will check to see if it has been claimed mate.
Payment was sent via paypal with all the relevant details required, I will check to see if it has been claimed mate.
Just checked and payment for £26.05 sent (includes paypal fee). Info sent with payment is: Tony Jennings (rifleman 6925) German side please. Cheers Josh.
payment sent
Hi Josh, would like to book 2 spaces on US side with Midlands guys (Cuff and Co). Let me know if this is ok and I will make payment now.
Dedro, if you not already on th elist, ill add you. What are the names?
List updated.
Heer Schmidt
Hi Josh
Please add the following names to the list (All for US):
Peter Bates (Midlands)
James Sivieri (Midlands)
Chris Wray (Midlands)
If you can PM me the payment instructions. As with the other Midlands guys we are looking at the Saturday only!
Many Thanks
Hi Josh
I posted on the 20th (and sent the money ) requesting to put me down for the british side, but Im still not on the updated list....
Keith Logan
Hi Josh,
I paid my deposit on 6th September (I've got the paypal receipt). You've got me down on the list as British engineer, but no 'P' to show I've paid the deposit. I'll pay the balance nearer the time.
Probably not an issue but I thought I'd mention it.
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
Hooray, I can make this one, deposit paid.
List updated, sorry about that Martin. I overwrote the P with Engineer lol
Heer Schmidt
Deposit sent.
Hi Josh money sent for my mate Andy Clutton (british)
I have also paid my depoist but not appearing on the Americans list at all at the moment!
Hi Josh money sent for my mate Andy Clutton (british)
I have also paid my depoist but not appearing on the Americans list at all at the moment!
Sorry bud, done. I had server trouble last week and lost a few emails;(
Heer Schmidt
funds paypal'd matey! thank.
Sent payment for the 3 of us as listed above... Please confirm!
*sigh* Fiiiine, if you need germans so bad I guess I can come.
Marc Thompson
Could you stick me in Zug 1 please, Deinhardt will just cry if he can't hang around me all the time
Following the trend, Paid