Gunman Airsoft and Filmsim Events proudly presents...
D-Day - The Gothic Line pt1 – The road to Bologna.
Only £55 with a £25 deposit or £75 on the gate.
November 17-18 2012
Great Westwood Quarry
Old house lane
Hunton Bridge (just of the M25 Junction 19-20)
It’s October 5th 1944 and the Allied assault on the gothic line is being hampered by poor weather conditions, an unfriendly terrain and low ammunitions. Both the US 5th Army and the British 8th Army are still making slow and costly gains but for now, there is a halt and respite in the fighting.
Our story takes us between the mountain ranges and along front of route 65 and the road to Bologna. The US II corps have renewed their advance along the front and are now being supported by X111 Corps, including the hardened British 78th Infantry Division.
Our battle takes us to a series of fixed positions and heavily defended bunkers along the front and defended by the Germans 14th Armee, with support from re-enforcements from other sectors not under as much pressure. We will be focusing on one section of the fighting and must imagine the rest of the war is going on around us. History will not be changed, but it will be down to the men on the ground as to who makes the best account of themselves in this plighted battle.
This is a camping event on a new site to Airsoft. Our new and amazing 165 acre site has mixed woodland and open fields, all on a challenging terrain of ups and downs. This ancient quarry is perfect for the scenario and will help bring our weekend to life.
Other Event Info.
This event is open to all US and Brit groups but as always we ask everyone to make an effort and try to look the part. Badge’in up is not needed but plain uniforms are always a win.
Due to the size of the site, both sides will have vehicles in play and AT guns and bazookas will be the order of the day. All the toys are coming out for this weekend, land mines + detectors, our famous Mortar’s and the best in WW2 battles.
As well as the usual CPs in play, there will also be a list of key and secondary objectives for both sides, so be ready to be busy.
We will provide all the radio packs for the units and map cases for organising troops.
Arrival and Event times.
Friday, gates open at 2pm so come and set up your camps.
Saturday game brief at 9.30am
Sat Endex will be around 5 as it will start to get dark around then.
Sat night social.
Sunday will commence and have Endex called at 2pm.
As this is a non-stop game in the field, you will need to brew up and eat whilst the game is live!
Please make sure you bring everything you need to be comfortable in the field, including Water, change of socks, food and beers. There will be a skip on site for rubbish!
Toilets also provided.
Deposit via PayPal please mark up what game it’s for, your real and forum name and which side you on.
These event tickets are non refundable but can be sold on to other waiting players.
Heer Schmidt