hi all i have a question i have the ss loadout except the shirt. does everybody wear the shirts under the tunic or not bother and if so which type of shirt should i buy and from where, many thanks johno
I just wear a grey long sleeve shirt I got from asda for £3.00 as I have the tunic done up all the way and you cannot see it. I wear the long sleeves as it feels more comfy
U.S. 35th Inf Tech Sargeant
British Royal Artillery Gunner
Generic SS Mann
Cyma M1A1
ASG Sten MK2
TM M1911A1
WE Browning High Power
HFC Mauser C96
I just use a Bundeswehr Green shirt and cut the modern markings off after a few washes seems to do the trick
I have a few german shirts - some of those were bought because of re-enactment.
There are various types - any of which are okay to buy, if you want to go down the 'official' route.
I've worn british army shirts in the past and there's no right or wrong - just don't wear a t-shirt lol
You can also pick up cheap collarless shirts off ebay.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
ok thanks guys and i wont wear a t shirt thats for sure.