Packing kit now and hopping to get there early tomorrow as work didn't allow me to get home till 6pm fully excited might need a sit down!
Well that will be done, but going to tiger day at the tank museum has helped alot to boost my ss morale.
Many thanks.
Can I use a captured m1 garand as ss?
Payment sent for ss. Panzer grenader.
I will book once i know i have the date off.
Can I add my name to the german forces please, money sent.
Hi guys, if no one else wants to, I'll step into the firing line and lead the us paratroopers.
I have booked the day off work to attend. Last game was aakarn (sorry if misspelled) and I really enjoyed it! Looking forward to it!
Hi guys, Just paid via combatsouth shop. U.S. airbourne team please Andrés Bolado. Cheers
I will be camping friday night and by camping i mean sleeping in my car!
I don't mind, quite happy to carry bread in bread bag and steal tea from tommy!
Hi paid though the website. Andrés Bolado heer pioneer please. Looking forward to it.