Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 16, 2016
Topics: 15 / Replies: 111
Re: Another Jackboot thread

I was fortunate enough to get a pair of the Finnish army ones (un-issued).

9 years ago
Re: Best Mosin?

It was after seeing a chart of the FPS drop-off with each shot from a gas rifle that I decided a springer was the only viable option (for me). If the ...

9 years ago
Re: Snipers!!!

Thank you, just saw it come in (email notification). Can you please also refund the fee I paid also for Dizzy. TIA.

9 years ago
Re: Snipers!!!

For the record: "by Siggi I have not one shred of an idea how you could have possibly construed any kind of criticism of the game and rules. Ev...

9 years ago
Re: Snipers!!!

Tell me about it. I guess this is what Josh was talking about when he said the decline of the WW2 airsoft scene was mostly down to 'politics'. A kind ...

9 years ago
Re: Snipers!!!

Replied by PM This is not aimed at an individual it is a general overview that Open Day minded players who try and circumnavigate the rules to their ...

9 years ago
Re: Questions

Speedloader question: I now have a Garand but only one mag for it. Would it be ok to reload it in-battle with a speedloader? That process is considera...

9 years ago
Re: Snipers!!!

Ok I feel |I need to clarify this. But I don`t know why WW2 was a general squad based war. For every couple of thousand riflemen you had a sniper ...

9 years ago
Re: Weathered MP40.

If you mean the...thing...that came in the box with the gun, a bit of old string would be better. I flipped the pics around the correct way.

9 years ago
Re: Weathered MP40.

Oh yeah. I flipped them vertical in PS due to taking the pics upside down. Lol.

9 years ago
Re: Weathered MP40.

Your eyes are good. It's an original WW2 soviet PPSH sling.

9 years ago
Re: Questions

Thanks ZB, that would be great! It's a G&G model Garand though...

9 years ago
9 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 823
Re: Questions

Speedloader question: I now have a Garand but only one mag for it. Would it be ok to reload it in-battle with a speedloader? That process is considera...

9 years ago
Re: Oiling stock

If it was a real gun the owner would probably get real anal about the products used and spend a large amount on regular gunk re-packaged in bottles an...

9 years ago
Re: G&G Kar98.

I stripped all the wood on the Garand this afternoon, I used those sanding blocks and did it under running water. The wood is very pale but good quali...

9 years ago
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