I was fortunate enough to get a pair of the Finnish army ones (un-issued).
It was after seeing a chart of the FPS drop-off with each shot from a gas rifle that I decided a springer was the only viable option (for me). If the ...
Sorry dude, I've already taken it.
Thank you, just saw it come in (email notification). Can you please also refund the fee I paid also for Dizzy. TIA.
For the record: "by Siggi I have not one shred of an idea how you could have possibly construed any kind of criticism of the game and rules. Ev...
Tell me about it. I guess this is what Josh was talking about when he said the decline of the WW2 airsoft scene was mostly down to 'politics'. A kind ...
Replied by PM This is not aimed at an individual it is a general overview that Open Day minded players who try and circumnavigate the rules to their ...
Speedloader question: I now have a Garand but only one mag for it. Would it be ok to reload it in-battle with a speedloader? That process is considera...
Ok I feel |I need to clarify this. But I don`t know why WW2 was a general squad based war. For every couple of thousand riflemen you had a sniper ...
If you mean the...thing...that came in the box with the gun, a bit of old string would be better. I flipped the pics around the correct way.
Oh yeah. I flipped them vertical in PS due to taking the pics upside down. Lol.
Your eyes are good. It's an original WW2 soviet PPSH sling.
Thanks ZB, that would be great! It's a G&G model Garand though...
Speedloader question: I now have a Garand but only one mag for it. Would it be ok to reload it in-battle with a speedloader? That process is considera...
If it was a real gun the owner would probably get real anal about the products used and spend a large amount on regular gunk re-packaged in bottles an...
I stripped all the wood on the Garand this afternoon, I used those sanding blocks and did it under running water. The wood is very pale but good quali...