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Thanks to all the CiA organisers for putting on another great game. Just had a look at myself and I'm riddled with red dots from the numerous morning charges!

My only negative point was that once the tunnels fogged up, the fighting got a little too close. My sincere apologies to peppered for the close range shot! :(

anywho, carly and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, but had to retire 15 mins from the end due to fatigue!

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Posted : 24/01/2010 8:11 pm
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

Another top-notch game. Thanks to all the CiA game organisers for raising the bar further still :good:

Posted : 24/01/2010 8:47 pm
dave barrett
Posts: 963
Prominent Member

Loved it..I'm black and blue look more like i've fell in a wasps nest..but wouldn't have it any other way.
Cheers to all i had a great day...and thanks to the Russians for making so much effort your kit was mint guys.


Posted : 24/01/2010 9:00 pm
Posts: 215
Estimable Member

Another cracking game from the CiA chaps (organisers and players both)!

The site was amazing - I didn't think it was as big as I'd been told, but it's huge! Can't wait to see what the place is like once the industrial area's have been cleared out and lit.

The whole day was a big mix of straight assaults and mad charges, alongside periods of absolute deviousness and sneaky-beaky work. Loved every second of it and I'm pretty bloody knackered now.

Bring on the next game is all I can say!

Posted : 24/01/2010 9:06 pm
Posts: 355
Reputable Member

Amazing!!! I loved every minute, I'm glad we had a chance to play there before they light the whole place up. The atmosphere was amazing. Thank you to all the organisers. The props and sound effects were great. (My ears are still ringing from the end ex grenade!

My highlights - Seeing Headshot touch a door, and watching it dissolve!

Thanks again!

Posted : 24/01/2010 9:20 pm
Posts: 4596
Famed Member

Finally got my arse back home. Havent bothered de-kitting the car yet though lol

Thanks to all the German and Russian players for getting stuck in. Thank you to the piston in the MG42 for taking such stupid amounts of abuse all day :twisted: . Ta to Dave B and the 16th for the 222 - it looked awesome in the tunnels, and thanks to the F&O bods for allowing us to use the site.

Now, can we start taking the piss out of Yith for being such a pansy that he had to bugger off and get some kip in the afternoon :lol:

When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........

Posted : 24/01/2010 9:37 pm
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

I'd just like to thank all of the players for making such an excellent effort. The Russians came up trumps, both with the standard of their kit and, more importantly, by getting into character and following the crazy orders of the NKVD fanatic to the letter and without question. You guys took a lot of hits for the Motherland today and I thank you all for it. I was amazed that people kept asking me "are you going to use the whistle again for this attack please?"! As if you hadn't been mullered enough! :rofl:

The site was vast and it made command and control extremely difficult but you guys made it a pleasure. The assault on the map room was particularly well coordinated and very aggressive (sorry for those whom I used as a human shield for Porta! :twisted: ). Roll on the next Eastern Front event. :good:

When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 24/01/2010 9:54 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

Cheers everyone!!!

As usual I was utterly unaware as to whether what we'd put on was enjoyed by people! We're often too busy trying to command and control we've no idea whether what we're doing is working, but obviously it was!

I was blown away by the the quality of the Russians' kit, especially given that a lot of the kit we had ordered didn't even turn up in time! Well done everyone.

As others have said, thanks to all who turned up and the tenacity you all showed. Thanks to those who bought vehicles too.

My highlight, taking a team down to the far end of the site by getting through a foxhole, then making our way all the way back up in the pitch black to hook up with another team and put in a silent ambush on a wedge of Germans. I'm not sure Chommers realised there were 12 or so Russian waiting in the dark when he assumed we were Germans! "Are you German?", "Da....I mean Ja!"

Posted : 24/01/2010 10:07 pm
john outram
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

:good: awesome game lads and lasses what a venue enjoyed every moment .sorry to the russky i threw the grenade on. it made me laugh though :lol:

Posted : 24/01/2010 10:16 pm
Posts: 865
Prominent Member

Another Superb game ! my thanks to the organisers ,must have been a hell of a job putting it together and keeping it together, and to everyone else who were brilliant to play with and against,just got home and am completely knackered and looking forward to the next one.Cheers Guys

Posted : 24/01/2010 10:18 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

anywho, carly and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, but had to retire 15 mins from the end due to fatigue!



Posted : 24/01/2010 10:27 pm
panzerfaust joust
Posts: 316
Reputable Member

Thanks to all the orginisers and players for making a fantastic game! :good: I'm bloody knackered but happy! :)

.-..-. .- --. .- .. -. / .-- .. - .... / - .... . / -. . --. .- - .. ...- . / .-- .- ...- . ... --..-- / -- --- .-. .. .- .-. - -.-- .-.-.- .-..-.

Posted : 24/01/2010 10:47 pm
Von Straffham
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

Bloody fantastic - great site, great players and joyful chaos! :D Russians put up some fanatical charges only to be mown down in their hordes - total respect for that, hope the bb wounds heal quickly!
Great day, thanks to all the organisers, roll on the next one!

The first casualty of war is innocence.
The first casualty of airsoft is your wallet!

Posted : 24/01/2010 11:19 pm
Posts: 532
Honorable Member

I am not generally known for being a man of few words so please prepare yourself for the following review of the day spent in the Drakelow Tunnels today


There you have it,


Oh - maybe just two. - Thank you.

LOOK! I ham now four meggle man!

Posted : 24/01/2010 11:34 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

What can I say? So many peeps due thanks:

The organisers for all their hard work
Stof for that lovely liquorice drink, and driving me up and back - you're a stalwart, mate! :good:
Dave B for his vehicles and his usual hospitality - cheers bud! I forgot those buttons! :roll:
Martin for his Jerry bread
Boshman for changing my spring!

Forgive me if I've forgotten anybody.

Was great to meet some new guys for the first time, and it was a super social night. As for the game, honestly, especially using a K98, it was chilling to hear that whistle and the "hurraaaah!!" as the Ruskies charged. :shock:

Towards the end, it was impossible to see far enough - mabye the site organisers need to review the use of thermobarics with all their smoke! I hardly hit anything all day, but my one fine moment came when I was stuck in a side room, picking off the Ruskies as they walked past. I think I got at least five before they chucked in a grenade! :lol:

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 24/01/2010 11:38 pm
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

mabye the site organisers need to review the use of thermobarics with all their smoke! :lol:

and you lot wanted to chuck mk 9s and 90 second smokes :D but it looked like you all had a great day so well done to the organisers . i could tell they put allot of work in , i was impressed and shall be knicking some ideas for my events ..

cheers jamie

George Washington:

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.

Posted : 24/01/2010 11:49 pm
Posts: 4596
Famed Member

A few favourite bits from me:

The site, obviously - but theres more to it than that. Down in the factory part of the complex, the fact that there were piles of rubble and other shite laying around added to the ambience. Have a look at pics of any battlefield - there is detritus everywhere. Most urban type sites in the UK are simply too clean!

Aside from that, it was fun to be able to use the '42 again, even if my knees are bruised to hell and back from having to repeatedly throw myself onto the deck so I could fire it off the bipod. (seriously, MASSIVE bruise on each knee :lol: ) It was most enjoyable mowing down the hordes of commie scum :twisted:

Was great to meet old mates and new faces - everyone got stuck int!

When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........

Posted : 24/01/2010 11:53 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

As Stof said to me, that MG42 has one helluva rate of fire!!! 8)

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 24/01/2010 11:58 pm
Posts: 1075
Noble Member

what a great really enjoyed it thanks those who put this together best cia game played roll on to the next 1 :good:

Posted : 25/01/2010 6:47 am
Posts: 2213
Noble Member

Yet another fantastic CiA game! Great site, superb gameplay, the ruskies did themself's proud, they look fantastic & the mass charges were brilliant!

Like Kermit, my knees and elbows are bruised and battered from going pron with the 42 but it was great fun! Although after seeing Jay's in action I think a bit of tweeking is required on mine LOL.

Big thanks to the CiA crew, F&O for the use of the awesome site, Dave B & the wasps for bringing their vehicles and finally all the players on both sides that make these games so amazing!

Oh and a big thank you to CW for picking up my MP40.

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“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942

"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942

Posted : 25/01/2010 8:28 am
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