Feel free to post anything relevant to our glorious German side here.
Any questions, information, advice, banter and what your wearing and using will be helpfull.
Also ANYONE can make suggestions and ideas to the game. Feel free to post them up, or pm them if your shy.
They may be used, they may not, but if you dont ask you dont get, and at the end of the day we want everyone to have a good time.
Loosely translated, this document states that gold currently stored at Tempelhof Airport is at risk, and inteligence suggests that the terrible Yankees are planning to assault our position and steal it. This is not acceptable as this gold is detrimental to the future of the Reich, and we must stop these attacks at any price.
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
As with Porta on the Russian side, I've always been happy to turn up at a game and follow orders. This time though i'll be heading up the German side and making sure our Führer's gold is protected from the evil Yankee theives.
My choice of uniform for the day is still a bit undecided, but i'll update as and when I'm certain of it. I'll be taking my MG42 but wont be using it myself. It can be in a defensive position for anyone to jump on, or if someone wants to use it in game, then just ask me and i'll show you how it works(simple really, has an AK47 body and a short 250rd mag).
I look forward to serving with you all.
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
excellent. good to see the german numbers on the increase
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
I'll be taking my MG42 but wont be using it myself. It can be in a defensive position for anyone to jump on, or if someone wants to use it in game, then just ask me and i'll show you how it works(simple really, has an AK47 body and a short 250rd mag).
Well, it looks like we have some willing suckers...... I mean, volunteers, to man the '42, which is great cos it means I wont have to lug it around all day . Well done PD and co for volunteering and I'm sure you will defend our Führer's gold until the last bb!
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
I'll be taking my MG42 but wont be using it myself. It can be in a defensive position for anyone to jump on, or if someone wants to use it in game, then just ask me and i'll show you how it works(simple really, has an AK47 body and a short 250rd mag).
Well, it looks like we have some willing suckers...... I mean, volunteers, to man the '42, which is great cos it means I wont have to lug it around all day
. Well done PD and co for volunteering and I'm sure you will defend our Führer's gold until the last bb!
Defend it? Our plan is to get the most fearsome weapon on site, turn it on our kameraden - Sarin the tunnels and aufficken with the Gold to Venezuela!
LOOK! I ham now four meggle man!
Too right. What did you think I was doing in S.America these last 7 weeks?
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
Too right. What did you think I was doing in S.America these last 7 weeks?
Scoping out the villa and situating the defensive positions staffed by those clone troopers Greggely Pack made us I hope....... Is Las Banco Dos Venezuelas ready for the deposit?
LOOK! I ham now four meggle man!
Quick update on the gold situation......... Not only do we have the Reichts gold supply in these tunnels, we have the early and later runs of bullion, some of which were made by hand and therefore a significant part of our country's history and its struggle.
Again, we must defend this at all costs. Get recruiting for more Germans people!
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
After the site visit, and looking at the areas, German gameplay is looking like a real blast.
The Fatherland, has 2 MG42 LMGs availible, with a small possibility of more being issued. We have several mg bunkers down under the airfield,and the advantage of superior german firepower.
The bunker complex is extremely defendable, with small side tunnels and galleries giving ample oppertunities for flanking manoveres and counter attacks.
We have to defend Important people and some extremley valubale crates.
whilst automatic weapons are very usefull, there are some long straight tunnels, and rifles could be considered usefull.
There has been constant shelling of the area recently, but in the lulls in the firing, the clatter of tank tracks has been heard very close to the complex.
Orders from Oberkommando der Wehrmacht are to fight to the last man and the last bullet. The Bolsheviks must be stopped here!
A warning to all cowards and deserters. Summary court-martials are in operation, and the death penalty awaits tratiors to the reich!
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
Nope, I am afraid you are mistaken, the Fatherland now has 3 MG42's
Nope, I am afraid you are mistaken, the Fatherland now has 3 MG42's
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
We are under attack!
Many of you will have heard the rumours circulating that there has been an attack on our external defences and I can confirm that regrettably this is true. One of our brave soldiers was caught completely off guard and attacked by a large number of Russian troops. This particular brave soldier showed true German courage and killed nearly a dozen of these Russian invaders, several in hand to hand combat, but was unfortunately killed by a sniper. I am sure, as are you, that he died proud in the knowledge that he was defending the future of the Reich and out beloved Führer's ideals of a Europe under The Eagle. Our intellegence now suggests that a heavy attack from the Russians is imminent and that the underground complex will be the target of this attack. This complex cannot fall into the hands of the Russians and should it appear that their numbers are too great to defend against, then our orders are to fight to the last man, then destroy the complex, everything, and everyone inside it.
Prepare for a battle the likes of which you have never seen before. This battle could alter the course of the war and of our Country's future.
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
one of the german Wunderwaffe
This will be used by PD`s Mg section
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Ok my fellow Germans! The numbers for this event are climbing which is awesome, but the German numbers are kinda settled at the moment. We need to get out there and recruit more brave soldiers to fend off these attacking Yankees and Rooskies! If you have to hang around outside the pubs at night with a club and 'persuade' people to join our fight by the old press gang means, then so be it! We need a full contingency of 20 for this one folks......... dont let them pesky foreigners steal the Führer's gold!
My Two Cents.....
"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"
Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap
another german may be joining us soon trying to recruit more to defend the gold
I've just paypal'ed ... I'll be ordering my kit after payday. Can't wait.
welcome my fellow German and remember defend the gold defeat the Russian dogs and push back the American invaders
We are still keen to have more Germans for this event I also feel Tiny would like a second in command if someone feels they fit the bill
Russians are also wanted, I am finding I can get more US but can only open it up a bit with more Germans and Russians
In short if you wish to take part on any side let us know as we have an expansion list.
Free speech is expensive these days!
We are still keen to have more Germans for this event I also feel Tiny would like a second in command if someone feels they fit the bill
Russians are also wanted, I am finding I can get more US but can only open it up a bit with more Germans and Russians
In short if you wish to take part on any side let us know as we have an expansion list.
i don't mind volunteering for second in command
We are still keen to have more Germans for this event I also feel Tiny would like a second in command if someone feels they fit the bill
i don't mind volunteering for second in command
Likewise, you now have two offers for a second in command now however Marsha has first dibs, if there are any other command posts then I dont mind stepping forward