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German Order of Battle

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At the time of the US advance into St Lo, our small corner of hell is held by the men of the 13th FJ led by Leutnant Dankloss (Brother of the renowned infantry commander). These brave Jaegers have been on alert for some time and received heavy shelling which has wrecked many of the surrounding buildings.

Von Danklos's recce elements have sited a build up of US forces across the river and armed with this information he has asked for re-inforcements.

Within hours a half track full of Waffen SS arrived to access the situation.... While Sturmbannführer Von Himmel liaises with Lt Danklos a droning noise is heard over head... seconds later the men throw themselves into cover as an allied Jabo fighter-bomber reduces the half track to a smoking ruin...

Stuck here on the outskirts of St lo the men of the 84th Korp dig in and prepare to face the Amerikaners...

German forces are split into two groups both led my Sturmbannführer (major) Von Himmel (Evo/Dieselmonkey to you and I).

While Von Himmel conducts the defence from his HQ his 2ic OberScharfuhrer Hauer (gadge) and the squad salvage what they can from the wrecked transport. Lt Danklos assumes command of the beleaguered fallschirmjagers and awaits Von Himmels orders...


overall commander Evo/Dieselmonkey

FJ commander - Carl/Fandanglos
SS commander - Gadge

For this one guys lets pull out the stops as we did at lightning. Try not to have *any* modern or non issue kit with you and if you must keep it in your breadbag or under cover.

Cam your helmets by all means but use natural foliage or hessian... no modern vehicle net please (and no dot 44 covers)

Equally keep your kit as standard as possible so SS trousers and jackets should be feldgrau, HBT or peadot, smocks of any of the patterns and preferably a nice rag tag mix of them!

Where possible we'll keep as seven and eight man sections.

Any questions?

"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."

Posted : 12/05/2009 2:37 pm
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

Any questions?



Posted : 12/05/2009 4:21 pm
Posts: 7247
Illustrious Member
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Oh as a final note can i ask german players to do their best to look battleworn.

If you have time kick your helmet around the gardenroll around in your kit etc, be much cooler if we're all slightly dusty/dirty with a bit of wear on kit.

I've puprosely not washed my kit after die glocke for this.

"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."

Posted : 12/05/2009 4:42 pm
Posts: 2128
Noble Member

your in luck i have never washed my kit :rofl: : sick :

theres nowt so Permanent as temporary

Posted : 12/05/2009 4:52 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

your in luck i have never washed my kit :rofl: : sick :

Y'know, sometimes, very occasionally, i'm glad i have no sense of smell.

Posted : 12/05/2009 5:21 pm
Posts: 470
Reputable Member

Can I put an oakleaf helmet cover on if I also cover it in veg?

Peter Rabbit - Tank Killer

Posted : 12/05/2009 6:10 pm
Helga Geerhart
Posts: 4580
Famed Member

your in luck i have never washed my kit :rofl: : sick :

Y'know, sometimes, very occasionally, i'm glad i have no sense of smell.

You forget he lives with me who has washed his kit but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Posted : 12/05/2009 6:38 pm
Posts: 7247
Illustrious Member
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Can I put an oakleaf helmet cover on if I also cover it in veg?

Oakleaf covers are fine, dot 44 ones just never existed until someone made them for re-enactors who cant stand having mismatched camo.

"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."

Posted : 12/05/2009 10:15 pm
Posts: 470
Reputable Member

Ta for that, last question:

I am a bit thick on history so datewise, would the MP44 be around at the time of St Lo?

Peter Rabbit - Tank Killer

Posted : 12/05/2009 11:06 pm
Posts: 7247
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Yup thats fine too, as long as all seven of us dont have them, two or three is ok.

"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."

Posted : 13/05/2009 10:57 am
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

A job I will be doing before St. Lo will involve digging up concrete. I will bring bags of au de concrete/masonay dust to adorn with if players wish :lol:

Posted : 27/05/2009 9:09 pm
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

You do some weird jobs Carl...

When you're not making medieval siege engines in perspex boxes you're digging up concrete.

Posted : 27/05/2009 10:18 pm
Posts: 4009
Famed Member

Isn't concrete dust carciagenic? (sp?)

Posted : 28/05/2009 3:21 pm
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

Isn't concrete dust carciagenic? (sp?)

Only if you breathe it in, snort or inject it.

Of course, I have done none of the above before :oops:

Posted : 28/05/2009 6:24 pm
Posts: 4009
Famed Member

Hehe! Well thats ok then! :)

Posted : 02/06/2009 8:33 am