So we have a site thats perfect for vehicals so what we got coming?
So far
Josh - GAZ - Brit
Bosh - Krad 1 - German
Rich - Krad 3 - German
Hänschen klein 2 - German
Hitman - GMC US
Doug - Armoured Car US
Forester - Kubal - German
Heer Schmidt
I cant let you chaps have all the fun, so will have to bring the Kubel a long.
A very beautiful machine you have there Forester!
King Arms M1928 Thompson Submachine Gun
AGM Sten Mk.II
I can see a lot of photos being taken by the axis contingent.
Even though I am filming overseas, the Dog Co motor pool are putting a couple of finishing mechanical touches to the T25 armoured jeep so it will be there( seeing as our HQ boarders the site ) I just hope I will be able to be there to drive it
Kubel looks great! And ammo trailer is the Mutts too
Any jeeps going?
going by the allied to axis ratio anyone got a tiger they could bring
i will be putting my name down once i have work sorted.
Was great to see the german vehicles out there!! Nice one lads!! And was a good test run for my T25, it did well just need to do some finishing work and a reprint! After the constant shower of bb's top laugh!!